List of Settlers
Settler List (Excel Spreadsheet format)
Abbott, George
Abbott, John Henry
Abbott, Thomas
Ablett, William Henry
Acutt, Julianna
Acutt, Robert
Acutt, William Hayes
Adams, Charles
Adams, George
Adams, Henry
Adams, Isaac
Adams, John
Adams, John Corbett
Adams, William (born c. 1820)
Adams, William (born c. 1823)
Adams, William (born c. 1824)
Adock, Joseph
Addison, Thomas
Addison, Dr William Henry
Adlam, Joseph
Agar, Charles Artemus
Aitchison, James Carmichael
Aitchison, John Murray
Aitken, Robert
Akerman, Sir John William
Alborough, William
Alder, Charles
Alder, John Williams
Aldrich, George
Aldridge, Dr Charles Miller
Alison, Frederic William
Allan, John
Allan, Thomas
Allanson, George
Allen, James
Allen, Philip
Allen, William Hill
Allerston, Alfred
Allerston, William
Allerston, William Francis
Allison, Albert Bidden
Allison, Revd James
Allison, John
Allison, John Thurlow
Alston, Edmund
Anderson, A.T. (alias) see Thomson, Andrew
Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, James
Anderson, John (born 1812)
Anderson, John (born 1816)
Anderson, Robert (labourer)
Anderson, Robert (born c. 1818)
Anderson, William (born 1790)
Anderson, William (born c. 1818)
Anderson, William (born c. 1818 Glasgow)
Anderson, William (born c. 1823)
Anderson, William Henry
Anderson, William Pringle
Andrade, A.F.
Andrews, George
Andrews, John of Valsch River
Andrews, John (born c. 1820)
Andrews, John E.
Ansell, Henry
Anstee, Alfred
Anstie, John
Anstie, Paul
Arbuckle, William
Arbuthnot, David Carnegy
Arbuthnot, George
Arbuthnot, James
Archbell, Revd James
Archer, George
Archer, James William
Archibald, Walter James
Armstrong, Francis
Armstrong, John
Armstrong, Dr William
Armstrong, William
Arnold, Henery
Arnold, Thomas
Ashford, Frederick
Ashley, Thomas
Ashmore, Felix George
Ashmore, Joseph George
Ashton, Charles
Ashton, Charles John
Ashton, Henry Prior
Ashton, Richard Bury or Berry
Ashton, James
Ashton, Sarah Hannah
Atherton, John
Athrelpho, William
Atkinson, John (ex Herald)
Atkinson, John (born c. 1802)
Attwood, Charles
Attwood, George
Austen, George William
Austen, Mary Orpah
Austin, John Bird Sumner
Austin or Austen, William
Avison, John
Ayres, John
Babbs, Robert
Badger, Jonathan
Baguley, Edward
Bailey, Thomas
Bailie, John
Baker, Ann
Baker, Helen
Baker, Henry
Baker, Hughbert
Baker, Richard
Baker, Thomas (born c. 1818)
Baker, Thomas (born c. 1827)
Baker, Thomas Brenchley
Bakewell, George
Balcomb, Benjamin
Balderston, George
Balderston, Richardson
Bale, William Ebrington
Balland, Robert
Balloch, Archibald Smith
Banger, Henry John
Baragwanath, John
Barber, Frederick George
Barber, William
Barclay see O’Hara
Barker, H.L.
Barker, Revd Joseph
Barker, Thomas
Barker, William
Barkeway, Hannah and Mary
Barnett, John Brown
Barns, Robert John
Barr, Matthew
Barrett, Eliza Mary
Barrett, Henry Joseph
Barrett, John Edwin
Barrett, William
Barrington, William Sutton
Barrow, Edward William
Barter, Catherine (Charlotte)
Barter, Charles
Bartholomew, William
Bartlett, Robert H.
Barton, David
Bascombe, Henry
Baseley, John
Basingwhite, John Stone
Batchelor, William Batt
Batho, William Fothergill
Batt, Charles
Baugh, Revd Walter
Baxter, John
Bayly, Harry Darke
Baynes, Richard
Bazley see Baseley
Beachcroft, Henry George
Beale, James
Beard, Joseph James
Beater, Mrs Mary Jane (born Acutt)
Beaumont, George
Beaumont, Samuel
Beckam, Robert
Beckwith, William
Bedham, R.
Beech, Archibald
Bell, (ex Elizabeth Jane)
Bell, Alexander Dalrymple
Bell, Alfred
Bell, Charles Tebbut
Bell, Francis
Bell, James
Bell, Revd James Glendinning
Bell, William
Bell, William Douglas
Bellars, E.
Benge, John (ex Emily)
Benge, John (ex John Line)
Beningfield, Alfred
Beningfield, Samuel
Beningfield, Thomas Ratcliff
Bennee, Edward Donald
Bennett, Henry
Bennett, Jemima/Jane
Bennett, Dr Joseph Henry
Bennett, Randle Fšlsch
Bennitt, William
Benson, Robert
Bentley, George
Berrington, George
Berry, John
Berry, Peter
Berry, Thomas Robert William
Bertram, Dixon
Bevan, Emma
Bevan, Revd James William
Bevan, John
Bevan, William
Beveridge, Thomas
Biddle, Thomas
Biddlecomb, George
Biggar, Alexander Harvey
Bilborough, George
Bilham, James Joseph
Bingham, Richard Francis
Bingham, Thomas
Bird, Edward
Bird, Henry
Bird, John (born 1815)
Bird, John (born c. 1818)
Birkett, George
Bishop, Frederick William
Bishop, George
Bishop, John
Bishop, Samuel Webb
Blackborough, Mrs Mary Alice (born Royston)
Blacker, John
Blackwood, James
Blade, Laurence
Blagbrough see Blackborough
Blaine, Dr Benjamin
Blake, George
Blake, William
Blakey, Henry
Blamey, John Cardell
Blandy, Samuel
Blood, Neptune
Bloy, Francis Richard
Blundell, Thomas
Boag, John
Boast, Dr Charles Bird
Boast, David
Boast, Henry (born 1816)
Boast, Henry (born 1823)
Boast, William
Boddy, Thomas
Bodien, Richard G.
Bodington, Dr George Fowler
Bolt, Charles
Bolt, Elizabeth (Mrs Edward ?Mitchell or ?Charles Du Pont)
Bolt, Henry
Bolton, James
Bond, Thomas (born c. 1822)
Bone, Thomas Rundell/Rundle
Boocock, William
Booklass/Bookless, Robert
Booth, William
Borain, Valentine
Botterill, Edwin
Botterill, Thomas
Bottomley, George (born 1826)
Bottomley, George Frederick (born c. 1811)
Bottrell or Bottrill, William Dawson
Boultbee, Richard Joseph
Boulton, Charles
Boulty, Denham Denny
Bound, Charles
Bourke, John
Bousfield, (ex John Line)
Bowen, John Webb
Bowen, Mrs Melesina (born Clay)
Bower, Walter
Bowes, Alfred John Cecil
Bowes, Thomas Jennings
Bowness, Henry
Bowser, George
Boyd, John
Boyes, John
Boylen or Brady, Sarah (Mrs Andrew Johnstone)
Boyles, George
Boyne, Robert
Bradley, James
Bradley, Rachel (Mrs John William Harris)
Bradshaw, Thomas
Brady, Bernard (alias) see Jones, Thomas
Brady, Sarah see Boylen, Sarah
Brailsford, Edward L.
Braithwaite, Charles J. or Constantine John
Braithwaite, John
Brambles, George
Bramwell, George or W.H.
Brander, Alexander
Brandon see also Brennan
Brandon, (ex Borneo)
Branigan, John
Branwhite, Henry B.
Brayhirst, Thomas Vicar
Brearey, Thomas
Brede or Breede, William
Breede, Xavier Robert
Brennan or Brandon, Thomas
Brenton, Henry
Brewer, Jonah William
Brickhill, James
Brickhill, Joseph Chatterley
Bricklebanks, John
Brickwell, John D.
Bridge, Alfred
Bright, Alfred
Bright, Jane (Mrs George Chapman)
Bristow, Charles
Brittain, James
Britten or Britton, William
Broad, James
Brocklehurst, James Shelton
Brockman, Henry
Brockman, Joseph
Brockman, William
Brodie, Alexander
Brodie, Francis
Brodie, James
Brodie, Robert
Bromwich, Dr Bryan I’Anson
Brooke, Richard Sarly
Brooker, James
Brooking, Dr Benjamin
Brooks, Emily (Mrs Henry James Meller)
Brooks, John Harold
Brough, Richard
Broughall, Ann (Mrs Charles Wakelin)
Broughton, Richard
Brown, (ex Bellona)
Brown, Mrs Elizabeth
Brown, George Beale
Brown, James
Brown, John (born c. 1818) alias Nero, Giovanni
Brown, John (born c. 1824) merchant, Durban
Brown, John (born c. 1830)
Brown, John, beershop-keeper, Pietermaritzburg
Brown, John, sailor on the Pilot
Brown, Joseph (alias) see Bird, Edward
Brown, Mrs Mary
Brown, William
Brown, William (ex Trent) see Gillitt, William
Browne, Hugh Junot
Browne, Robert
Brownfield, Ann
Browning, Edwin
Bruce, George
Brundell, Richard S.
Brunton, Walter
Brunyee, John
Bryan, Annette see Cheesebrough
Bryan, Dr Humphry Aram
Bryan, James
Bryan, Patrick see Burn, Patrick
Bryant, John Reynolds
Bryant, William Reynolds
Buchanan, David Dale
Buchanan, Ebenezer
Buck, Charles Samuel Buckley, (ex Bellona)
Buerdsell see Clough
Buist, David Aytoun Lindsay
Bull, James Allen Ralph
Bull, John
Bull, Samuel Storer
Bullock, Heselton
Burchmore, Thomas
Burge, Mrs Margaret (later Mrs Andrew Muirhead)
Burgess, William (born c. 1810)
Burgess, William (born c. 1833)
Burgess, William Henry
Burman, Thomas Abraham
Burn, Burns, Bryan or Byrne, Patrick
Burne, John
Burns, James
Burrell, Joseph
Burrell, William
Burridge, William
Burrow, Daniel
Burrows, William
Burrup, Joseph
Burt, Henry E.
Burton, Charles Percival
Burwash, Alfred
Bush, Thomas
Bushby, Anne E. and Jabez L. see also Cheesebrough
Bushby, Robert
Bussell, William Torry
Butcher, Samuel
Butler, Ellen
Butler, Emma Henrietta Arabella (Mrs Charles Barter)
Butler, John Patrick
Butler, Samuel
Buttery, Thomas
Button, James Clark
Buxton, Edmund
Byrne, John
Byrne, Thomas
Cadle, George Ellis
Caile, James
Cain, Mrs Harriett
Cairns, Bernard see Kearns, Bernard
Caldecott, Alphonso Torkington
Calder, John
Calder, Robert
Caldwell, Christopher
Caldwell, Henry
Callaway, Revd Henry
Calverley, James
Calvert, Ralph
Cameron, Charles Duncan
Cameron, John McKenzie
Cameron, William Alexander
Campbell, Edward (ex Lalla Rookh)
Campbell, Edward (born c. 1819)
Campbell, Henry Mandison
Campbell, John (alias) see Inkson, John
Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, Mary Ann (Mrs William Newlands)
Campbell, Robert
Campbell, Roderick
Campbell, Revd William
Campbell, William John
Campkin, Thomas
Cane, John
Canham, Benjamin
Canning, Isaac
Cannon, Eliza Ann
Cannon, John
Carbutt, Thomas Munro
Carden, Thomas
Carman, Charles W.
Carnegy, Patrick Adrian
Carpenter, Eliza
Carr, Benjamin
Carr, Isaac Humphreys
Carruthers, Joseph Swan
Carruthers, Robert
Carter, Isaac
Carter, James Owen
Carter, Jane (Mrs David Nolan)
Carter, Robert
Carter, William
Cartwright, Sampson Edward
Cass, Thomas
Cato, Christopher Joseph
Cato, George Christopher
Cato, John Pearson
Cato, Orlando William
Cato, Thomas Pearson
Catterall, James
Cavill, Henry
Cessford, (ex Wanderer)
Chadwick, John Moore Knighton
Challinor, Edwin James
Challinor, George
Chambers, George
Chambers, Henry
Chambers, William
Champion, Thomas James
Chandler, John
Channell, George
Chaplin, William
Chapman, George see Bright, Jane
Chapman, John Jex
Chapman, Richard
Chapman, Thomas
ChappŽ de Lonval, Paul Laffitte
Charteris, John Charles
Chatterton, Henry
Cheesebrough, John
Chessor, James H.
Chessor, William
Chester, John
Chester, Robert
Chew, Hannah (Mrs James Miller)
Chick, John
Chilcott, Sarah Ann or Salvia Ann
Chisholm, Alexandrina Ross Suter (Mrs E.R. Dixon)
Chisholm, Andrew D.
Chisholm, John
Chivers, James
Christie, James
Christopher, Joseph Steer
Christopher, Dr William
Churchill, Frank
Churchill, Joseph Fleetwood
Churchill, Marianne Julia (Mrs Hugh Gillespie)
Chuter, William
Clarence, Arthur Frederick
Clarence, Lucy Louisa
Clarence, Ralph
Clark, Andrew
Clark, Charles
Clark, John (born 1808) of Mount Pleasant, York
Clark, John (born c. 1828)
Clark, William Gordon
Clark, William J.
Clarke, Josiah
Clarkson, Francis
Clarkson, Robert
Clarkson, Sarah see Cass
Claybourn, Charles
Clayton, Frederick
Cleghorn, James
Clift, Thomas B.
Clough, Mrs Priscilla Buerdsell
Clouston, Thomas
Clowes, Stanfell
Coakes, Charles John
Coakes, Henry
Coats, John
Cock, Charles
Cockburn, John Montague
Cockerell, Alfred Sydney
Cogan, William
Colborne, Joseph Samuel
Colborne, Richard Lemon
Colburn or Colborn, Charles
Cole, Jacob
Cole, James
Coleman, Patrick
Coleman, Robert
Colenso, John William, Bishop of Natal
Coles, William Frederick
Colley, James
Colley, William Edwards
Collier, Charles
Collier, Edward
Collins, Daniel James
Collins, William Millward
Collis, James
Comins, Mrs Jane
Compston, Robert C.
Compton, George
Compton, Joseph
Comrie, James
Connelley, John
Conolly, Bridget
Conolly, Thomas
Cook, Nicholas Thomas John
Cook, William (a wheelwright)
Cook, William (born 1833)
Cooke, Cuthbert
Cooke, Henry William
Cooke, Joseph
Cookson, Edward
Coombes or Coombs, Thomas
Coombs, Daniel
Cooper, John
Cooper, Thomas
Cooper, William
Cope, George Augustus
Cope, Henry
Cope, Thomas Spencer
Copeland, John
Corbett, Francis
Corbitt, Edward
Cordeaux see Cordukes
Cordukes, Samuel
Corish, Richard
Corlett, George
Corlett, William James
Cornwall, William
Cosons or Crowsen, Jabez
Cossar, George W.
Costar, Richard
Cottam, William John
Cottier, John
Cotton, John
Coulson, Brian
Coventry, Dr John
Coward, Edward
Coward, Joseph
Cowey, Henry
Cowey, Mary Ann
Cowey, William
Cowie, Mary see Cowey, Mary Ann
Cowie, William
Cox, George John
Cox, Moses Savery
Coyle, John
Craig, Francis
Craig, John
Craig, William
Crampton, James alias Leech, James Crampton
Crane, John
Craw, James
Crawley, Henry Charles
Cresswell, Thomas
Crew, Joseph A.
Cridge, Ellen Maria (Mrs William Lovatt)
Crocker, John
Crocker, William
Crompton, Revd John Lake
Crossley, William
Crouch, John
Crouch, William
Crowder, Samuel
Crowly, Eugene Isidore Bernard
Crowly, Theodore George Wagner
Crown, John
Crowsen see Cosons
Cruickshank, James
Cruikshank, (ex Bellona)
Cubitt, John
Cullen, Ann (Mrs Laurence Blade)
Cullen, William
Cullingworth, Jeremiah
Cumberland, William
Cunningham, William
Curle, Andrew
Curly, William Fitzpatrick see Nolan, William Fitzpatrick (alias)
Curren or Curran, Patrick
Currie, Henry William
Curry, George
Cuthbert, John
Dacomb, Charles
Dacomb, Joseph
Dacomb, William
Daddy, John
Daggett, Thomas
Dales, William
Dallas, John
D’Almaine, William Hewson
Dalton, Edmond
Dalton, Henry
Dand, Thomas
D’Anneley, John Blois
Darby, William Henry
Dare, Edward George Money
Dare, John
Dare, William Charles
Darling, Joseph
Darter, George Blackford Silver
Dathan, John N.
Davenport, Thomas
Davidson, Duncan see Duncan,
George William
Davidson, John
Davidson, Peter Patrick Johnston
Davies, George
Davies, Henry
Davies, John
Davies, Richard
Davies, William (born c. 1816)
Davies or Davey, William (born c. 1830)
Davis, Frederick William
Davis, George
Davis, John Henry
Davis, Peter
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Revd William Jefferd
Dawes, C.H.
Dawkins, William Laycon
Dawney, Robert
Dawson, Alfred Francis alias Francis, Alfred
Dawson, Frederick
Day, John
Day, William
Deane, Arthur Ussher
Deane, James
Deane, William
Deane, William R.
Dearlove, Joseph Avery
Deer, Thomas Williams
Deighton, Seymour
Deighton, William Henry
Delmore, William
Dench, Charlotte
Denize, John
Denning, Henry Wilford
Dennis, Charles Clay
Devereux, Lewis Edward
Devereux, Lionel
Devey, Edward
Devey, George
Devine, John Norris
Devlin, Henry
Devonshire, Alfred
Dicken, William
Dickens, Woolstan
Dickinson, Beverley
Dickinson, Charles Hammond
Dickinson, Robert William
Dicks, Joseph W.
Dickson, Revd Robert
Dilks, Robert
Dimock, Mrs Catherine Emily
Dimock, Frederick
Dimock, Dr George
Dineley, Henry
Dingley, James George
Distin, John
Dixon, Charlotte Elizabeth (Mrs James Grosvenor)
Dixon, Edward Ross
Dixon, Henry Lincolne
Dixson or Dixon, William Boddy
Dobson, Thomas
Dobson, William Grayson
Doggett or Doggatt, Edward B.
Doig, John Duff
Dolphin, Thomas
Donaldson, James
Donaldson, John Malcolm
Donoghue, Richard
Dore, William
Douglas, John
Dove, John
Dow, William
Dowbiggin, John
Dowling, George Roach
Down, Thomas
Downey, Francis
Downs, George
Downs, Wilham Parker
Doyle, Denis
Drake, Spencer French
Draper, George J.
Drew, George
Dreyer, Arnd C.
Dring, William
Drummond, Alexander
Dryden, James
Du Bois, James
Duff, John
Duff, Thomas
Duff, William
Duffy, George or John or Richard
Duigan, Michael
Duncan, George William
Duncombe, Robert
Duncum, Joseph
Dunhill, Elizabeth Jane
Dunken or Dunkin, John
Dunlop, John
Dunlop, John William
Dunn, Robert Newton
Dunning, Francis
Dunning, Henry
Dunstan, Eliza (Mrs William Cooper)
Du Pont, Edward ?Mitchell or ?Charles
Duprey, Peter
Durham, Edward James
Dyer, James Greening
Dykes, Alexander
Dykes, John
Dykes, Philip
Eagle, James
Eagle, Dr John Nunn
Eagleston, Thomas
Eaglestone, Gabriel
Eary, George
Eastwood, Arthur William
Eastwood, Francis Edmund
Eastwood, George Frederick
Eastwood, Henry Charles
Eaton, John George
Eaynor, Stephen
Eccles, William
Eckersley, John
Eckroyd, James
Eckroyd, John
Edgar, John
Edge, John
Edlin, William Brampton
Edmonds, William Conway
Edmonstone, Charles Waterton
Edser, Davis
Edwards, Frederic Nelson
Edwards, Frederick John
Edwards, Frederick Lewis
Edwards, John Wheatland
Edwards, Richard
Edwards, Robert H.
Edwards, William
Ellerker, Joseph
Ellerker, Thomas
Elliot, James
Elliott, John Wilkinson
Elliott, Robert
Elliott, William
Ellis, Edmund
Ellis, Elizabeth
Ellis, Helen
Ellis, Henry
Ellis, James
Ellis, Thomas
Ellis, William (Frank)
Elston, James Reuben
Ely, James
Emerson, William Arthur Harrison
Emmanuel, Mark
Emmett, Joseph
Emmett, Dr William Dickinson
Ennals, James
Erwood, Thomas Snelson
Etty, Charles W.
Evans, Alfred Winter
Evans, James
Evans, Joseph
Evans, Thomas
Exall, Henry
Falcon, John C.
Fannin, Thomas Eustace
Fanning, James
Farewell, Lt. Francis George
Farley, James
Farre, Henry William Richard
Favell, Benjamin
Fayers, James
Fayle, Thomas
Fea, Thomas
Fearne, Revd Thomas Gleadow
Fearnsides, David
Feilden, John Leyland
Fell, Arden
Fell, William Cotton
Felton, George
Fenaby, William
Fender, Andrew
Fenton, William Henry
Ferguson, Archibald
Ferguson, Joseph
Ferguson, Robert
Ferrier, Andrew
Fettyplace, John
Few, Edward
Few, Joseph
Field, Barbara (Mrs G.F. Rethmann)
Field, Edwin Meckley
Field, John
Field, John Coote
Field, John Hall
Field, William
Field, William Swan
Field, William Wheeler
Fielder, Thomas
Fincent, Fanny see Vincent, Fanny
Findlay, Francis H.
Finer, Joseph
Finnemore, Isaac Powell
Finnis, William
Fisher, Edward
Fisher, Henry Holmes
Fisher, William
Flatt, Edward
Flay, Ephraim
Fleming, Horace
Fleming, John
Fletcher, Edward
Flood, Hugh Henry à
Flooks, John George
Florey, Charles
Floyd, George
Foden, Alfred
Foggitt, Mark
Foggitt, Mary (Mrs Robert Raw)
Foley, John Melville alias Melville, John
Foord, James
Foot, Joseph
Forbes, Alexander
Forbes, Alexander Rhind
Forbes, David
Forbes, John
Ford, James
Ford, William Huntington
Forde, Jeremiah
Fordham, John
Fordham, Octavius
Forman, James
Forrest, John
Forsyth, Robert
Fosbrooke, Thomas
Foss, Ambrose
Foster, Ethelred (Mrs Henry Milner)
Foster, John (ex John Line)
Foster, John (ex Nile)
Foster, Peter
Foster, Thomas
Foster, William
Fowler, James
Fowler, Robert à Born Stafford but never used this surname in Natal. See also Talbot
Fowler, Thomas J.
Fox, James
Fox, William
Foxley, James
Foxon, Edwin Augustus King Cock
Frances, Henry Vernon Lyttleton
Francis, Alfred (alias) see Dawson, Alfred Francis
Francis, Henry
Francis, James Osborne
Francis, John
Frankish, Mark
Franklin, George
Franklin, John
Fraser, Charles
Fraser, George
Fraser, John
Fraser, John Moir
Fraser, William Archibald
Freeman, George French
French, Dr Edwin
Freshwater, George
Friday, Samuel John
Fuller, Frederick Augustus
Fuller, Henry
Fuller, James
Fulton, Henry
Furnival, John G.
Fynn, Alfred
Fynn, Francis
Fynn, Henry Francis
Fynn, William McDowell
Fynney, Augustus
Fynney, Fielding Best
Fysh, Charles
Fysh, John
Fyvie, Charles Duff
Fyvie, James Robert
Fyvie, John Bell
Gadney, William
Gain, George
Galbraith, Dr John Murray
Gale, Henry John
Galley, Thomas
Galliers, William
Gallon, Robert
Galloway, John
Galloway, Thomas William
Gallwey, Sir Michael Henry
Gamble, John
Garbutt, David
Garbutt, Robert
Gardiner, Capt. Allen Francis
Gardiner, Charles
Gardiner, William Henry
Garland, Thomas William
Garner, Richard Crozier
Garner, William Knowles
Garnett, Robert
Garrod, William
Gaskell, Thomas
Gaskell, William M.
Gaskin, Revd Joseph
Gassiott, Henry S.
Gavin, David
Gavin, George
Gavin, John
Gavis, John
Geddes, Walter George
Gee, James
Gee, Stephen
Geldart, James R.
George, Adam alias George, Alfred
George, Charles
George, William
Ghee, William Henry Spencer
Gibbons, Thomas
Gibbons, William
Gibson, (ex Elizabeth Jane)
Gibson, (ex Wilhelmina)
Gibson, Archibald
Gibson, Frederick W.
Gibson, George W.
Gibson, Robert Thompson
Gifford, Alexander
Gifford, George
Giles, John
Gilfillan, John
Gill, David
Gill, George Clinton
Gill, Thomas Bliss
Gillespie, Catharine
Gillespie, Emma
Gillespie, Hugh
Gillespie, Maria
Gillett, John
Gillitt, William
Gillmore, William
Gilmore, Henry Charles Cameron
Ginger, Alfred Baker
Girault, Peter
Glendinning, Edwin
Glover, Joseph
Glover, William
Gobbitt, James
Godden, Isaac
Godden, John
Godden, Richard
Gold, Thomas
Goldstone, Samuel
Good, Denis
Good, James
Goodburn, Benjamin
Gooden, David
Goodricke, John Richardson
Goodwill, James
Goodwill, Thomas
Goodwin, Charles
Goodwin, Edward
Goodwin, George
Goodwin, Henry
Gordge, William
Gordon, Capt. Alexander
Gordon, Arthur
Gordon, John Anderson
Gordon, Margaret (Mrs David Barton)
Gordon, William James
Gould, Thomas
Goulden, Alfred Methley
Goulden, Charlotte Hobday (Mrs Alexander McLeod)
Govan, James
Gower, Dr Samuel
Grafton, Richard William
Graham, A. Rowland
Graham, Joseph
Graham, Simon
Graham, William
Grainger, William
Grange, Josiah G.
Granger, John
Grant, John (born c. 1791)
Grant, John (born 1837)
Grant, John Hannibal
Grant, Nelson
Grant, Samuel
Grant, Walter
Grantham, Major James
Gray, David
Gray, Frederick
Gray, John
Gray, William Morton
Greathead, Thomas
Greaves, Francis Mills
Greaves, George Duly
Greaves, George William
Greaves, John W.
Green, Caroline
Green, Charles Edward Andrew
Green, Revd James
Green, James Harter
Green, John (born c. 1823)
Green, John (born c. 1827)
Green, Joseph
Green/Greene, Laurence Henry St John
JohnGreen, Sam W.
Green, Thomas
Green, William (ex Douglas, 1849)
Green, William (ex Sovereign)
Greenacre, Sir Benjamin Wesley
Greenaway, George
Greenaway, James
Greening, Elisha Smith
Greening, Richard Olenthus
Greenwood, Mary (Mrs James Hardman)
Greetham, James
Gregory, Charles (born c. 1831)
Gregory, Charles (born c. 1832)
Gregory, Jacob Davis
Gregory, Thomas George
Greig, Andrew Fletcher
Gresham, Thomas
Greville, Chaloner
Greville, Robert N.
Grice, Elizabeth
Grice, John
Grieve, William John
Griffin, Charles Carter
Griffin, Patrick
Griffin, Stephen William Bill
Griffith, Edward
Griffiths, Edwin Philip Jones
Griffiths, John Roger
Griffiths, Thomas Powis
Groom, Betsey (Mrs William Todd)
Groom, Edward
Groom, Ellen (Mrs George Hillary)
Groom, Mary
Groom, Richard
Groom, Thomas
Groombridge, (ex John Line)
Grosvenor, Revd James
Grosvenor, Robert
Grundy, James
Gudgeon, John
Gurley, Peter
Gutridge, Thomas
Guy, John
Haigh, George
Hair, Elizabeth Martin
Hair, Helen Hamilton
Hair, John
Hale, Edwin
Haley or Healey, Michael
Hall, George (born c. 1812)
Hall, George (born c. 1825)
Hall, John Alexander
Hall, John Jervis
Hall, Thomas Wykes
Hall, William
Hallett, James
Halloway, John
Halstead, Thomas
Hambridge, William
Hamilton, David
Hamilton, William
Hammond, Charles
Hammond, Fred H.
Hammond, Thomas
Hamp, Edward Alexander
Hampshire, Eli
Hampson, Joseph
Hancock, James
Hancock, Joseph Ebenezer
Hancock, Thomas
Handley, Charles George Hepburn
Handley, James
Handley, Thomas
Hankey, Thomas
Hannah, William T.
Hannon, Daniel
Hanscombe, Alfred
Hansor, James William
Hantot, James
Harben, John
Harcourt, Joseph
Harcourt, William Frederick
Harding, William Walter
Hardisty, Jane (Mrs Thomas Buttery)
Hardman, James
Hardwick, Henry
Hardwick, Robert
Hare, George
Hargreaves, James
Hargreaves, Thomas
Hargreaves, William
Harley, Grace Browse
Harley, John
Harman, William James
Harper, Henry
Harper, Isaac
Harper, Thomas
Harper, William
Harrington, Benjamin
Harris, Elizabeth
Harris, George
Harris, John Robert
Harris, John William
Harris, Jonathan G.
Harris, Joseph (born c. 1813)
Harris, Joseph (born c. 1830)
Harris, Samuel or Frederick
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Charles Samuel
Harrison, Cuthbert J.
Harrison, Harriett
Harrison, Henry
Harrison, James
Harrison, John
Harrison, William
Harrisson, Timotheus
Hart, George
Hart, Henry
Hart, William
Hart, William West
Hartley, Joseph
Hartley, William
Harvey, Francis
Harvey, Josiah
Harvey, Richard
Harvey, William Frederick
Harvey, William Gaskell
Harwin, Mrs Mary
Hastie, Michael
Hatfield, Alexander
Hathorn, John Piper
Hawding, Edward
Hawken, Matthew
Hawkins, Arthur Caesar
Hawkins, Sophia (Mrs William Vear)
Hay, Edmund J.
Hayes, George Bevan
Hayes, John
Hayes, Michael
Hayes, Patrick
Haygarth, Joseph Williamson
Haynes, Edmund
Hayward, John Sebright
Hazelhurst, Edward
Healey, John George
Healey, Michael see Haley, Michael
Heap, Charles Rogers
Heap, Walter
Heathcote, George Gage
Henderson, John
Henderson, Joseph
Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Samuel
Henderson, William
Hendley, John
Hendry, James
Henning, Edwin
Henry, Lyster (alias) see Shire, Henry
Henwood, John
Henwood, Paul
Heppenstall, George R.
Herbert, Ewald Benedictus
Hern, George
Herrington/Hewington, Alfred
Herries, Jonathan
Herron, Hugh
Heslop, John
Hesom, George Thomas
Hesom, Robert
Hesslewood, George
Hewitson, David
Hewitt, James
Heys, Thomas
Heywood see Hayward, John Sebright
Hibberd, Benjamin William
Hicks, George
Higginson, William Leinster
Higham, John Henry
Highfield, George Bellwood
Hilder, Charles Henry
Hill, Clement John
Hill, John
Hill, John Barnby
Hill, Samuel
Hill, Thomas (born c. 1820)
Hill, Thomas (born c. 1826)
Hill, William
Hillary, George
Hillary, John
Hillary, William
Hilliard, Charles Henry
Hillier, Edward
Hillman, Alfred C.
Hilton, Henry
Hind, Thomas
Hinman, Thomas
Hinton, Thomas
Hirst, Abram
Hiscock, John
Hitchcock, Charlotte see Cartwright, S.E.
Hobbs, William
Hobday, Richard
Hobson, William Henry
Hodge, William
Hodges, Henry
Hodgson, Henry
Hodgson, James
Hodgson, Robert
Hodgson, Thomas
Hodgson, William Ashbourne
Hodnett, John Henry
Hodsdon, Charles
Hodson, James
Hoey or Honey or Huoy, Isidore Henry
Hogarth, Thomas
Hogg, John
Hoggarth, John
Hogshaw, William
Holden, Joseph
Holden, Revd William Clifford
Holding, William
Holgate, George Roland
Holgate, Joseph Benjamin
Holl, Samuel
Holland, Dr Edward William Holwell
Holliday, John David
Hollington, Daniel
Holman, Mrs Matilda
Holmans, Daniel
Holmes, James
Holmes, John Garner
Holmes, William
Holton, Henry Richard
Homewood, Alfred
Honey see Hoey
Hoodford, Eliza (Mrs George Hicks)
Hook, James
Hopkins, John
Hopley, Thomas Starr
Horn, Thomas
Hornby, William
Horne, Benjamin
Horne, William
Horning, James Ripley
Horning, William Penney
Horsley, Richard
Horsley, Thomas
Horton, Edward
Hosking, Margaret Mitchel (Mrs J.L. Paull)
Hoskins, Ann
House, Charles
Houston, John
Hovenden, Charles
Howard, Edward
Howard, John Hassall
Howden, Francis Welch
Howden, Montague
Howe, James
Howell, Hendrik Oostwald
Howell, James Michiel Gristock
Howell, Thomas Johannes
Howells, Thomas
Howes, George
Howes, William
Howroyd, Robert
Howse, Thomas
Hubbard, Alfred
Hubbard, Daniel
Hubbard, Jesse
Hudson, John Thomas
Hudson, Thomas
Hughes, Mrs Mary Ann (born Willson)
Hughes, William
Hulett, Sir James Liege
Hull, Daniel
Hulley, Richard Brangan
Hulme, Hugh
Hulme, Dr John Rhodes Davenport
Humble, Peter
Hume, Revd Charles
Hume, Edmund E.
Humphrey, Robert
Humphreys, William Clayton
Hunt, Adelaide
Hunt, Edward Henry
Hunt, Eliza
Hunt, George Peyton
Hunt, Samuel
Hunter, Caroline
Hunter, Moses
Hunton, Robert William Sanderson Raper
Huoy see Hoey
Hurst, Henry
Hurst, John E.
Hursthouse, William
Husher, Richard
Hussey, Henry
Hutchinson, William
Hutton, Adam
Hutton, Henry James Cooper
Hutton, John
Hyslop, Sarah
Iliffe, William Gregory
Ingall, Richard
Inglis, James
Inkson, John alias Campbell, John
Inman, Mrs Emma
Ireland, Mrs Ann
Ireland, James
Ireland, Robert
Irons, Theophilus
Irons, William Josiah
Irvine, Augustus
Irwin, John
Isaacs, Nathaniel
Isham, Capt. Edmund
Jackson, Francis Edwin
Jackson, George James
Jackson, John Davis
Jackson, John James
Jackson, Revd Joseph
Jackson, Joseph Allcock
Jackson, William Patrick
Jacobs, Frederick
Jacobs, James
Jacques, Alexander
Jacques, Edmund
Jacques, Emma Amelia (Mrs John Vanderplank)
Jacques, Henry
Jacques, Thomas Barclay
Jaffray, Peter
James, Henry F.
James, Joseph
James, Robert William
James, Thomas Payne
James, William (born c. 1823)
James, William (born c. 1828)
Jamieson, Alexander
Jardine, John
Jarman, William
Jarvis, George
Jee, Joseph Lawrence
Jeffels, Michael
Jefferd, John Harris
Jefferies, William
Jeffrey, Rebecca (Mrs W.R. Bryant)
Jeffreys, Revd George Yarnold
Jenkins, Revd John David
Jenkins, William Hopkins
Jennings, William
Jevons, James E.
Johnason, John James
Johnson, Mrs Catherine
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, James Philip
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, William
Johnston, Charles
Johnston, Dr Charles
Johnston, Henry
Johnston, John
Johnston, Robert Francis
Johnstone, Andrew
Johnstone, Augustus James
Johnstone, Bunting
Jolly, Robert Stratford
Jones, Charles
Jones, Dorothy
Jones, Edward
Jones, Henry
Jones, James Jordan
Jones, John
Jones, John Thomas
Jones, Robert
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas alias Brady, Bernard
Jones, William (born c. 1820)
Jones, William (born c. 1826)
Jordan, James
Jordan, Zachariah alias Pittman/ Pettman, Zachariah
Joscelin, William alias Perkins, William alias Newton, William
Joslin, John
Josling, George
Joyce, Robert
Joyner, William
Judge, Mary
Kaley, (ex Wilhelmina)
Kavanagh, Matthew
Kaye, Frederick B.
Keal, Stamforth
Keane, Anne
Kearns, Bernard
Keating, Richard
Keeley, Mary (Mrs W.J. Pole, later Mrs John Palframan)
Kelly, Benjamin Swete
Kelly, Patrick (born c. 1817)
Kelly, Patrick (born c. 1827)
Kelly, Thomas
Kelly, Dr Thomas Tear
Kemp, Thomas
Kemp, William
Kendall, Martha (Mrs William Mileman)
Kennedy, Andrew Brown
Kennedy, James
Kent, James
Kenyon, William
Kerivan, Hugh
Kermode, Edward
Kershaw, William Thompson
Kerslake, William
Kestell, Charles
Kilgour, John
Killoch, John T.
Kincade, Robert
King, Charles
King, Mrs Christianna
King, George
King, James Saunders
King, John (born c. 1791)
King, John (born c. 1799)
King, John (born 1810)
King, John (born c. 1819)
King, Michael Thomas
King, Richard Philip (Dick)
Kingham, R.
Kinghurst, James
Kingston, William
Kinloch, Frederick
Kinsman, George Whitfield
Kippen, George Adam Crooks
Kirby, George
Kirby, John
Kirk, Joseph
Kirk, Thomas
Kirkham, William Cable
Kirkman, Joseph
Knapp, David
Knight, Arthur
Knight, Edgar
Knight, Humphrey Evans
Knowles, John
Knowles, William (born c. 1826)
Knowles, William (born 1838) see Garner, William Knowles
Knox, Henry
Koch, John Daniel
Kruse, John B.
Kyle, Patrick
Labron, Charles
Lacey, John
Laing, William see Lang, William
Lake, Chamberlane Hickman
Lally, Michael
Lamb, (ex Ceres)
Lambert, Mrs Eliza Elizabeth
Lambert, Rebecca (Mrs William Vionnee)
Lamond, George Belwood
Lamont, Alexander Philip
Lamport, Edward Parke
Landers, Joseph
Lang, William
Langford, Robert Samuel
Language, William
Lansdell, George
Lansdell, James
Latchford, John J.
Laurie, Robert N.
Lavender, George
Lawrance, Frederick
Lawrie, George Lancaster
Lawson, Lawson
Lawton, Richard
Lawton, Thomas
Leadbitter, John Graham
Leadley, Frederick Joseph
Leake, John
Lean, Joel
Leathern, William
Leathers, Edward John
Ledson, Thomas Moody
Lee, Edwin
Lee, George James
Lee, German
Lee, Henry
Leech, James Crampton (alias) see Crampton, James
Leeming, Robert
Leigh, James
Lello, Edward
Lello, William
Lennox, Peter
Leslie, Mrs Elizabeth (born Forbes)
Leslie, William
Lester, John
Lester, Robert Dixon Denham
Leuchars, Henry
Lewellin, Dr John Henry Hill
Lewis, Thomas
Lewis, William (ex British Tar)
Lewis, William (ex Globe)
Lindsay, James
Lindsay, Robert
Ling, William
Lister, William
Little, David
Littlewort, Charles T.
Liversage, Samuel
Livingston, James
Livingstone, Hugh
Lloyd, James (born c. 1791)
Lloyd, James (born c. 1827)
Lloyd, Jane
Lloyd, Capt. Walter
Lloyd, Revd William Henry Cynric
Loader, John
Loades, Edward
Lockwell, Sarah (Mrs William John Sheils)
Lodge, William
Lofthouse, Benjamin
Lofthouse, John
Logan, George Ainsley
Logan, James Fullerton
Logan, Robert
Logue, Charles
London, Edward
Long, Charles
Long, Henry Warren
Longcast, William
Lord, James
Lord, John Poyntz
Lovatt, William
Loveday, George
Low, Andrew
Low, Francis
Lowe, Peter
Loxton, Henry
Lucas, Anne
Lucas, Capt. Gould Arthur
Lucas, Jane
Lucas, Laurence John
Lucas, William
Ludlow, Dr William Henry
Luke, Charles
Luke, Henry Joseph
Lumb, Samuel
Lumsden, John
Lund, Benjamin (born c. 1822)
Lund, Benjamin (born c. 1827)
Lund, William
Lundie, Jonathan
Lundy, John
Luscombe, Henry
Lutman, William
Lyall, James
Lyle, Alexander
Lynn, Joseph
McAdam, James
McAlister, Robert
McArthur, Alexander
McArthur, Donald
McBride, Adam
McCabe, Francis
McCabe, Hugh
McCalman, John
MacCawley, Thomas
McClelland, William
McCombie, Joseph Heyes
McCooey, Edward
McCorkindale, Alexander
McCormack, James
McCormick, Martin
McCovey, Edward see McCooey
McCrystal, Patrick
McDonald, Alexander
McDonald, Charles
McDonald, Donald
McDonald, Hugh
McDonald, James
McDonald, Thomas
McDonald, William
McDonell, Robert Taylor
McEvoy, Elizabeth (Mrs J.N. Wheeler)
McEvoy, Margaret (Mrs G.O. Matterson)
Macfarlane, George
Macfarlane, John
Macfarlane, Mary
Macfarlane, Thomas W.
Macfarlane, Walter
Macfarlane, William Stenhouse
McGeady or McGaydy or McGiddy, Edward
McGill, Edward Francis
McGregor, Daniel
McHardie, Joseph
Machell, John
McIntosh, Hector
McIntosh, James
McIntyre, Euphemia (Mrs Edwin Patrick)
McIntyre, John
Mack, Dr James
Mack, Robert Gazley
Mackay, James
McKay, Peter
McKeaney, John
McKechnie, John
McKechnie, Neil Johnston
McKellar, John
McKellar, Neil
McKen, Mark Johnston
Mackenzie, Alice
Mackenzie, Anne
McKenzie, Charles
Mackenzie, Revd Charles Frederick
McKenzie, Duncan
McKenzie, John (born c. 1818)
McKenzie, John (born c. 1822)
McKenzie, John Thomas
Mackenzie, Mrs Percess
Mackenzie, William (born 1816)
McKenzie, William (born c. 1818)
McKeown, William
Mackinnon, Lachlan
McKnea, James
McKnight, James
McLachlan, John
McLachlan, Peter
McLachlan, Robert M.
McLachlan, Thomas
McLaren, John
McLaren, Peter
MacLean, Alexander (born c. 1816)
McLean, Alexander (born c. 1827)
Maclean, Alexander (born c. 1828)
McLean, Alexander (born 1834)
Maclean, Charles Rawden alias Ross, John
McLean, John (born c. 1825)
McLean, John (born 1840)
McLean, William Hay
Maclean, William Hector (Moses)
McLeod, Edward
McLeod, George More
McLeod, Roderick
McLeod, William
Macleroy, George
Macleroy, Thomas
McLindon, William
McMillan, Neil T.
McMillan, William
McMinn, William Hutchinson Calderwood
Macnab, Alexander
McNicol, Archibald
McPhail, Donald
Macpherson, Daniel
McPherson, John
Macrae, Kenneth
MacSorley, William
McWilliam, Christian (Mrs Samuel Button)
McWilliam, Mary (Mrs George Ross)
McWilliam, Peter
McWilliam, Thomas
Maddock, Peter
Madigan, Richard
Magee, John
Maguire, Charles
Maguire, John Rhind
Maguire, Robert
Major, Stephen John
Mallandain, George Robert
Mallet, Charles
Mallis, Nelson
Maltby, Matthew
Mann, Alexander John Augustus
Mann, Dr Robert James
Mannington, James
Marchant, George
Marcus, George
Marillier, Henry Philip Augustus
Markham, Revd Benjamin
Markham, James Frederick
Marriott, George
Marriott, Thomas O.P.
Marsalsey, Sarah Jane (Mrs J.J. Bilham)
Marshall, Atherstone Corbet
Marshall, Cuthbert N.
Marshall, John
Marshall, William (born 1814)
Marshall, William (born c. 1830)
Martin, (ex Jane Morice, July 1851)
Martin, John
Martin, John W.
Martin, Thomas James
Martin, William
Mason, Revd Frederick
Mason, Revd George Holditch
Mason, James
Mason, Joseph
Mason, Richard
Mason, Robert
Mason, Robert Charles
Masterman, Isabella (Mrs Frederick Jacobs)
Masterman, Prudence (Mrs James Philip Johnson)
Matterson, George Octavius
Matterson, John Kitching
Matthews, Frederick
Matthison, Angus
Maurice, Mrs Elizabeth (born King) (later Mrs William Lutman, later Mrs Thomas Green)
Mawby, William
Maxwell, Francis Severn
Maxwell, Patrick Joseph
May, John Meredith
Mayne, Charles Washington
Mayo, George
Mayoss, Henry George
Maytom, Alfred
Mead, John Laurence
Meadows, James see Metters, James
Medley, John
Meek, John
Meller, Henry James
Mellerd, (ex Ceres)
Mellersh, Gawen
Mellersh, Robert
Mellish, Thomas Robert
Melrose, Robert
Melville, James
Melville, John (alias) see Foley John Melville
Merryweather, James
Mesham, Arthur
Mesham, Charles
Mesham, Lloyd Evans
Metcalfe, George
Methley, James Erasmus
Methley, Revd John
Methley, Thomas
Methuen, Revd H.H.
Metters, James
Meyer, John
Middleborough, Elijah James
Middlebrook, Matthew
Middleton, William Henry
Mileham, John
Mileman, William (ex Hebrides)
Mileman, William (ex Sovereign)
Miles, John
Miles, William Perkins
Millan, James
Millar, John
Millar, Mary
Miller, David
Miller, George
Miller, James
Miller, James Black
Millett, Alfred
Milloy, Neil
Milne, George
Milne, John
Milne, Thomas
Milner, Henry
Milner, Philip Splidt
Milner, Thomas Cross
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, William Ferrier
Mitchley, Thomas J.
Milloy, Dr (ex Jane Morice, July 1851)
Molton, William
Monies, John Hugh
Moodie, Donald
Moor, Frederick William
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Arthur Godfrey
Moore, David
Moore, Jane (Mrs Richard Thomas?)
Moore, Robert
Moore, William
Morehead, Thomas David Wilson
Moreland, John Swales
Morewood, Edmund
Morgan, Edward Lewis
Morgan, Hugh Thomas
Morgan, Richard Elliott
Morley, Mary (Mrs Richard Smithers)
Morris, George William
Morrison, Alexander
Morrison, Andrew
Morrison, Robert
Morton, George
Morton, Thomas
Morton, William Frederic
Moss, Charles Gabriel
Moss, John
Moss, Robert Arnold
Moss, Samuel
Moss, Thomas
Mossop, James
Moughan or Moughin, James
Mould, William
Moyles, Henry James
Muirhead, Andrew
Mulhall, Martin
Mullenger, William
Mullett, James
Mullins, John
Munday, John
Munro, Byron
Munro, James Wright (alias) see
Munro, William (born c. 1818)
Munro, Roderick
Munro, William (born c. 1818) alias James Wright Munro
Munro, William (born c. 1833)
Munroe, Alexander
Murdoch, Alexander Cruikshanks Jolly Shand
Murdoch, John James
Mure, Alexander
Murphy, Joseph Edward
Murray, Archibald Keir sen.
Murray, Archibald Keir jun.
Murray, Fergus
Murray, Patrick
Murray, William
Myers, Thompson
Nadauld, Elizabeth (Mrs Robert Stevens)
Nash, John
Neil, John H.
Nelson, James Edward
Nero, Giovanni (alias) see Brown, John (born c. 1818)
Nevins, Eliza (Mrs William Cooper, later Mrs Andrew Johnstone)
Newberry, Luke
Newbold, George
Newell, Joseph
Newlands, Henry
Newlands, William
Newling, William
Newman, Noah
Newman, Thomas R.G.
Newman, William
Newmarch, George William
Newmarch, Henry Keyworth
Newmarch, John
Newmarch, Thomas Brown
Newnham, Revd William Orde
Newson, Sarah
Newton, David
Newton, John
Newton, Lancelot
Newton, Louisa (Mrs Joseph Kirkman)
Newton, William (alias) see Joscelin, William
Nicholson, John Duggleby
Nicholson, Thomas
Nicholson, William
Nickson, Abraham
Nimmo, Robert
Nisbett, Revd William
Noel, John
Nolan, David
Nolan, William Fitzpatrick (alias of) Curly, William Fitzpatrick
Noon, Clara Jane (Mrs R.P. King)
Norgate, George
North, James Price
Nowell, Frederick
Nowlan, John
Noxon, William M.
Nurse, Thomas
Nuske, (ex Bellona)
Nuttley, Jesse
Oakes, Herbert Alfred William
Oakes, Walter Frederick
Oates, William Edward
O’Brien, James
Ockerby, Mrs Josephine (later Mrs George Bishop)
Odell, Livins William
Odell, Thomas Gilbert
Ogle, Henry
O’Hara, William
Okes, Thomas Holt Edward
Oliver, Isaac
O’Meara, Martin
O’Neil, John
O’Neill, Patrick
Orchard, Benjamin
Orchard, Joseph
Ordish, Thomas
Ordish, William
Orgill, Matthew
Orgill, Robert
Ormiston, James
Ormston, (ex Bellona)
Osborn, (ex Tuscan)
Osborn, Aling
Osborn, John
Osborn, Sir Melmoth
Osborne, Ormonde
Osborne, William
Otterbourne, Richard
Owen, Charles
Owens, Owen
Oxenham, Samuel
Pacey, Robert
Page, Alfred Harrison
Paice, Albert
Palframan, William
Palmer, Eliza (Mrs John Jervis Hall)
Palmer, Francis
Palmer, Job
Palmer, John
Palmer, John C.
Palmer, Thomas
Parish, Samuel
Parker, Charles
Parker, George
Parker, Joshua
Parker, Martha Elizabeth
Parker, Richard
Parker, Thomas
Parkin, William
Parkinson, Edwin
Parnaby, Matthew
Parnaby, William
Parry, John Gascoigne
Parsons, Charles Henry
Parsons, David
Parsons, Edgar
Parsons, James
Parsonson, Revd George
Pateman, Richard
Paterson, David
Paterson, John
Patience, Francis
Patrick, Edwin
Patterson, Alexander
Patterson, Mary
Patterson, Matthew
Patullo, Francis
Patullo, James
Paull, James Louis
Paverd, William
Pavey, Edward
Paxton, Henry Frederick
Pay, George
Payn, Philip Jourdain
Payn, William
Payne, George
Payne, Thomas Ashbourn
Peachey, Thomas
Peacock, Joseph
Pead see Collins, Daniel James
Peak, William
Pearce, John
Pearce, William
Pearse, Revd Horatio
Pearse, William
Pearson, Thomas
Pearson, William Tarleton
Peddie, John Crofton Grant
Peddie, William Henry
Peel, Augustus
Peel, Sydney
Peel, Thomas
Peel, William Accrington
Pellow, John
Pendlebury, John
Penfold, Marchant
Penn, Henry
Penney, Robert
Pennington, Richard
Penny, William
Penrose, Charles
Pepler, J.
Peppercorne, George Ryder
Pepworth, Henry
Perfect, Mrs Mary Eliza (born Boast)
Perkins, Griffith Williams
Perkins, Henry
Perkins, William (alias) see Joscelin, William
Perrin, James
Perry, William Cranley
Petchell, William
Peters, Frederick Augustus
Peters, John
Peters, William Adolphus
Petrie, Archibald
Pettigrew, Gavin
Pettman, Zachariah (alias) see Jordan, Zachariah
Petty, William Thomas
Philipps, Edward
Phillips, Charles
Phillips, Frederick
Phillips, Samuel Vincent Price
Philpott, Thomas
Phipson, John Bond
Phipson, Thomas
Pickering, Robert
Pickering, Stephen
Pickman, Charles J.
Pierce, David Towers
Pierce, Grenville Hugh
Pierce, Richard
Pigg, Anthony
Pigot, Catherine Mary
Pike, William
Pilkington, William
Pinckney, Thomas
Pindlebury, John see Pendlebury, John
Pink, William
Pinsent, Savery
Pitcher, James
Pittam, John
Pittman, Zachariah (alias) see Jordan, Zachariah
Plant, Henry
Plant, Robert William
Platt, Ellen (Mrs Robert Moffat)
Platt, Laurence
Platt, Richard William Robert
Platt, Sidney
Platts, William
Player, James
Plowes, George
Plummer, Luke
Plunkett, William Tomyns
Pole, William James
Polkinghorne, John Trevenen
Pollard, W.
Pollyblank, Robert
Ponsford, Philip B.
Pontin, Henry
Pope-Ellis see Ellis, William (Frank)
Porrill, Matthew
Porteous, Alexander
Potter, George
Potterill, John
Pottle, B.
Povall, Charles
Povall, John
Powell, Henry
Poynton, William
Pratt, Henry
Preist, Thomas
Prender, Rosanna
Preston, Robert
Prestwich, George
Prettyman, Edward Price, (ex Lalla Rookh)
Price, Daniel John
Price, Edward Ralph or Relph
Price, Francis
Price, Joseph
Priddle, Edward
Pridgeon, George
Pridham, William F.
Pridham, Lawrence S.
Prince, John
Pritchard, Charles
Prothero, Dr William Edward
Proudfoot, James
Proudfoot, Richard
Proudfoot, William
Prouting, James William
Pryce, Edward
Puckering, Thomas
Puckle, William
Pulford, William
Pulleyn, James
Pullock, William Ricketts
Purcell, William
Purcocks, David
Purse, Stephen
Purver, William
Putterill, James
Pybus, Mrs Hannah Marshall (later Mrs Jacob Cole)
Quested, Mrs Harriet Susannah
Quick, William Robert
Quirk, Patrick
Raddon, Alfred Samuel
Radford, John
Rafter, George Augustus
Ralfe, James F.
Ralfe, Robert
Ramsbottom, James A.
Randall, John
Randall, William Ellis
Randelhoff, John Edward Lloyd
Randle, James
Rapson, Josiah
Ratcliff, John
Rathbone, Ephraim Frederick
Ratsey, Capt. Edward
Ratsey, Capt. Robert Henry
Raw, James
Raw, Robert
Rawden, William M.
Rawlinson, Robert C.
Read, Isabella (Mrs William Newman)
Read, James
Read, John
Read, William
Reay, Richard
Reddish, Mrs Eliza Ann
Redman, Henry
Redshaw, Jonathan
Reed, John
Reed, Robert
Reed, William
Reid, Edward
Reid, Frederick William
Reid, James
Reid, Moses Newman
Reinhard, Alfred
Relph, Joseph
Reynolds, Charles Henry
Reynolds, Esther (Mrs John Burne)
Reynolds, James
Reynolds, John (alias), mariner, see Bryant, John Reynolds
Reynolds, John (born 1812)
Reynolds, Lewis
Reynolds, T. Edward
Reynolds, Thomas (born 1820)
Reynolds, Thomas (born c. 1830)
Rhodes, Isaac Field
Rich, John Augustus Carey
Richards, Charles
Richards, Edward
Richards, Francis
Richards, Henry John
Richards, Revd John
Richardson, Alfred
Richardson, Dr James
Richardson, James Arbuckle
Richardson, James Birch
Richardson, John Alfred
Richardson, Richard
Rider, William Robert Rowlett
Ridgway, James
Rigby, Joseph
Rigby, Robert
Riley, Charles
Riley, John
Rishton, Peter
Risley, Joseph
Rivett, Revd Alfred William Lovely
Rivett, Mary (Mrs R.W. Grafton)
Robarts, Emery
Robbins, James
Roberts, Alfred Brooksbank
Roberts, Charles
Roberts, David Davies
Roberts, Edward
Roberts, James
Roberts, James Baker
Roberts, William
Roberts, William Henry
Robertson, David
Robertson, James
Robertson, Revd Robert
Robertson, Robert Thomas
Robertson, Thomas (solicitor, Pmb.)
Robertson, Thomas (born c. 1831)
Robertson, William (born c. 1772)
Robertson, William (born c. 1819)
Robinson, Charles (born c. 1815)
Robinson, Charles (born c. 1823)
Robinson, Frederick
Robinson, George (ex Justina)
Robinson, George (baker)
Robinson, George Edgecumbe
Robinson, George Eyre
Robinson, William
Robinson, William Samuel
Robson, John Sutcliffe
Robson, Oman
Robson, Ralph H.
Rock, Henry
Rockley, John
Rogers, George
Rogers, John
Rogers, Richard
Rogers, William
Rolfe, James
Roome, Frederick John
Root, John Samuel
Rorke, James Alfred
Rose, George
Rose, James
Rose, John Broadbank
Rose, Samuel
Rosier, Charles
Ross, David
Ross, Edward
Ross, George (born c. 1818)
Ross, George (born c. 1822)
Ross, James Augustus
Ross, John (alias) see Maclean, Charles Rawden
Rothwell, James Paley
Row, Alice
Rowe, John
Rowse, Samuel Walter
Roy, John
Royston, Joseph
Royston, William Robinson
Rudder, Sarah
Russell, Archie
Russell, George
Russell, Henry
Russell, Robert
Russell, William
Russom, John
Rutherford, George
Ryan, Caroline (Mrs Richard Smart)
Ryan, John
Ryan, Margaret (Mrs H.A. Bryan)
Ryan, Thomas
Ryder, George
Ryder, Robert
Ryley, Robert Ralph
Sage, Herbert Sydney
St George, Sir Theophilus John
St Paul, George
Saker, George William
Salmon, Farquhard Campbell
Salter, Easton
Salter, Richard
Sampson, Mrs Susan
Sanderson, John
Sanderson, Septimus
Sanderson, William
Sanderson, William Terrot
Sarles, Henry
Saunders, James Renault
Saunders, William H.
Saveall, Jesse
Saville, Rose
Savory, William Henry
Schofield, James
Scholes, Jabez
Schreiber, Emil Augustus Bernard Talansier
Schwikkard, Ludwig Bernard
Scorgie, Alexander
Scotson, Samuel
Scott, Revd Charles
Scott, Daniel Burton
Scott, Edward
Scott, George
Scott, John Richard
Scott, Thomas
Scrutton, Joseph
Seager, George
Seager, Robert
Seal, William
Searle, Arthur
Searle, Henry
Selby, Dr Prideaux
Selwood, Dr Josiah Henry
Shackelton, Ann (Mrs John Fleming)
Shackelton, Mary (Mrs William James)
Shackelton, Samuel Edward
Shadwell, Richard William
Shafto, Jane (Mrs William Hopkins Jenkins)
Shanklin, Fred
Sharp, Andrew
Sharp, Arthur
Sharp, George
Sharpe, C.W.
Sharphouse, John
Shaw, (ex Bellona)
Shaw, Alexander
Shaw, Mrs Ann
Shaw, Charles (ex Sovereign)
Shaw, Charles (ex Trent)
Shaw, Margaret (Mrs John Nicholas Stone)
Shaw, Susannah (Mrs Richard Mason)
Shearer, John
Sheers, Thomas
Sheldon, John
Shepherd, William Gregg
Shepstone, John Wesley
Shepstone, Sir Theophilus
Sherrin, Charles
Shields, Thomas
Shiels, John
Shiels, William John
Shipley, John
Shire, Henry alias Henry, Lyster
Shires, Joseph Brooke
Shooter, Revd Joseph
Short, Robert
Shorthouse, James
Shortt, James William
Shortt, Portland Bentinck
Shuter, John David
Shuttleworth, Mrs Catherine
Shuttleworth, Henry
Sidway, George
Silvester, Adolphus
Simon, John
Simons, Alfred
Simpson, Elizabeth Allison (Mrs T.W. Fannin)
Simpson, Henry George
Simpson, John (born c. 1820)
Simpson, John (born c. 1826)
Simpson, John (born c. 1828)
Simpson, John Rhind
Simpson, Margaret (Mrs E.F. McGill)
Simpson, William Henry (born c. 1820)
Simpson, William Henry (born c. 1827)
Sims, James
Sinclair, Charles Ross
Sinfell, Charles
Singer, William
Sink, Thomas
Sissison, Joseph
Skinner, William (born c. 1826)
Skinner, William (born 1828)
Skipper, A.J.
Slack, William
Slatter, Alfred Joseph Payne
Slatter, David
Slatter, John Clarke
Slatter, William
Small, Henry Alexander
Smarfit, James
Smart, Mary
Smart, Master Benjamin
Smerdon, Capt. William Smith, (ex Nile)
Smith, Alexander (born 1818)
Smith, Alexander (born 1834)
Smith, Archibald (alias) see
Balloch, Archibald Smith
Smith, Charles
Smith, Edward Alfred
Smith, Ellen
Smith, George Brown
Smith, George Frederick
Smith, Hans G.L.
Smith, Henry (born c. 1813)
Smith, Henry (c. 1813-1853)
Smith, Hugh
Smith, J.F.
Smith, Jack
Smith, James
Smith, Jane
Smith, Jesse
Smith, John (ex Jane Morice, July 1851)
Smith, John (born 1816)
Smith, John (born c. 1826)
Smith, John (born 1829)
Smith, John (born 1830)
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Joseph Crampton
Smith, Joshua
Smith, Mary
Smith, Robert (born c. 1804)
Smith, Robert (born c. 1825)
Smith, Robert (born c. 1826)
Smith, Robert Anderson
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Thomas Paterson
Smith, W.
Smith, William (born c. 1790)
Smith, William (born c. 1797)
Smith, William (born c. 1819)
Smith, William (born c. 1825)
Smith, William Ashmore
Smith, William Hart
Smith, William M.
Smithers, Richard
Smithes, Francis
Smithwick, Richard
Snell, Edward
Soane, Fred
Solomon, Isaiah Saul
Solomon, John (Jacob Saul)
Sorrell, William see Sowell, William
South, Jabez
Southam, Alfred
Southam, James
Sowell, William
Sparks, David
Spearman, George
Speck, Arthur Aitcheson
Speirs, Robert
Spencer, Charles
Spencer, Robert
Spencer, William
Spensely, Revd Calvert
Spillane, Michael
Spilsbury, Henry
Spradbrow, Charles
Spratt, Holden
Spring, Arthur
Spring, Francis
Spruce, John
Stabler, John
Stacey, Charles T.
Stacpoole, Frank Alexander
Stafford, Berkeley Buckingham see Talbot, Berkeley Buckinghamà
Stafford, Edward Sparrow
Stafford, Frederick
Stafford, Hugh Henry see Flood, Hugh Henryà
Stafford, William Alexander see Talbot, William Alexanderà
Stageman, Samuel
Stainbank, Dering Lee Warner
Stainbank, Henry Ellerton
Stanbridge, Herbert E.
Standish, Edwin
Stanford, Martha
Stanger, Dr William
Stanley, John
Stansfield, George
Stanton, James
Starey, Charles Richard
Starkey, Zechariah
Starr, Stephen
Starr, William
Stead, Matthew
Steel, John Stollery
Steel, Peter
Steele, John
Steele, John Polodore
Stenhouse, James
Stephenson, Capt. David
Stephenson, George
Stephenson, Josias
Stevens, Andrew
Stevens, Francis Powell
Stevens, Henry William
Stevens, John
Stevens, Robert
Stewart, Alexander
Stewart, John G.
Stewart, Margaret
Stewart, Mary (Mrs John Brown)
Stirton, John Andrew
Stockill, Christopher
Stockill, William
Stoddard, James
Stokes, William Wakeling
Stone, John Nicholas
Stonell, William Henry
Stote, James
Stott, Frederick Sarly
Strachan, Adam
Strachan, Andrew
Strachan, Robert (died 1852)
Strachan, Robert (died c. 1856)
Strapp, Samuel
Strapp, William
Stratford, John
Stredder, Robert
Stretch, Charles St Leger à Born Stafford but never used this surname in Natal. See also Flood.
Struben, Capt. Johannes Hermanus Marinus
Struthers, Dr Robert Briggs
Stuart, John Sidey
Stuart, Thomas
Stubbs, James
Stubbs, John
Styles, Robert
Suddaby, Charles James
Sudlow, Charlotte (Mrs F.S. Stott)
Summers, Robert
Summerville, I.T.
Surtees, Robert
Sutherland, Dr Peter Cormac
Suttie, David
Suttie, Laurence
Swift, William
Swindon, William
Swithenbank, Ellen Bridget (Mrs Thomas Foster)
Sykes, George
Sykes, Robert
Sylvester, Adolphus see Silvester, Adolphus
Symes, Frederick
Symons, John Philip
Tait, (tailor, Durban)
Talbot, Berkeley Buckinghamà
Talbot, William Alexanderà
Tallack, Francis
Tanner, Thomas
Tapper, John
Tarboton, David Hainsworth
Tarboton, Henry
Tarn, Edwin Horatio
Tate, William
Tatham, Edmund
Tatham, Robert Bristow
Tattersall, Christopher
Taubman, Thomas
Taylor, Daniel
Taylor, David
Taylor, Edward (ex Bellona)
Taylor, Edward (ex Justina)
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, James
Taylor, James Alfred
Taylor, John (died 1855)
Taylor, John (born c. 1807)
Taylor, John (born c. 1824)
Taylor, John (born c. 1828)
Taylor, John Horrocks
Taylor, Capt. Maxwell Hannay
Taylor, Moses David
Taylor, T.
Taylor, William
Taylor, William Allen
Taylor, Dr William Garbutt
Tearney, Francis
Tedder, Charles
Tedder, James
Teeson, David
Tetley, John
Thomas, Edward Medlicott
Thomas, J.
Thomas, Revd James Stewart
Thomas, Mary Ann
Thomas, Richard Jenkyns
Thomas, Samuel James
Thomas, T.
Thompson, (ex Tuscan)
Thompson, Charles
Thompson, Edward
Thompson, Francis
Thomspon, George
Thompson, John George
Thomspon, John Luke
Thompson, Jonah
Thompson, Jonathan
Thompson, Margaret (Mrs Harry Darke Bayly)
Thompson, Reuben
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, Thomas (ex Narcissus, August 1852)
Thompson, Thomas (ex Sovereign)
Thompson, William Rowland jun.
Thomson, Andrew alias
Anderson, A.T.
Thomson, George
Thomson, James
Thomson, John D.
Thomson, John George Ringler
Thomson, William
Thring, Samuel
Throssell, Charles
Thurston, Henry Leggatt
Tierney, Michael
Tight, B.A.
Tilly, Walter
Tilney/Tinley, Edward William
Timaeus, George William Plevy
Tindal, William
Tinley see Tilney
Tipper, Loton
Tissiman, Joseph
Titmarsh, David
Todd, Edwin
Todd, John
Todd, William
Tomlinson, Edward
Tomlinson, George
Tomlinson, John Robert
Toohey, Daniel Charles
Toohey, Patrick see Tuohey, Patrick
Torry, Dr John Cooper
Tosen, William Frederick
Tovey, William
Towning, Frederick Thomas
Townsend, Henrietta
Townsend, John William
Travers, Miss (ex Bellona)
Trenowth, George
Trood, Edward Thomas
Trotter, David
Trotter, George (born c. 1796)
Trotter, George (born c. 1827)
Trow, George
Troy, John Butler
Tuck, William
Tucker, Alfred Octavius
Tucker, William
Tulley, George
Tunmer, William
Tuohey, Patrick
Turnbull, Adam
Turnbull, James Maitland
Turner, Betsy
Turner, George Thomas
Turner, John
Turner, Margaret S.
Turpin, Philip Alexander
Turton, Josiah
Tutin, James
Twyford, Thomas
Twyman, James Edwin
Tye, Elizabeth (Mrs Edward Tomlinson)
Tyson, William
Tyzack, Richard Webber
Umbers, William
Upton, Robert Sellers
Urquhart, Mrs (ex Bellona)
Urquhart, Hector
Vale, Edwin
Vanderplank, John
Varty, Arthur Clarke
Varty, Thomas Boyd
Varty, William Boyd
Vause, Richard
Vear, George
Vear, William (born 1819)
Vear, William (born c. 1823)
Vernon, Joseph Kempt
Vertue, Arthur Leopold
Vertue, Horatio
Vertue, Philip Algernon
Vialls, John
Vickerman, John
Vickery, Samuel
Vincent, Charles
Vincent, Fanny
Vincent, James
Vine, William Sutherland
Vinnicombe, George
Vinnicombe, John
Vinnicombe, Valentine S.
Vinson, Alexander
Vinson, Henry
Vionnee, L. William
Vivian, Charles George
Vivian, Mrs Mary
Vowles, Thomas
Voysey, John Payne
Waddelove, George
Wade, Mrs Alice
Wade, John (born c. 1805)
Wade, John (born c. 1820)
Wagner, Abraham
Wainwright, Edward
Wainwright, Richard
Wakefield, John
Wakeford, Jonathan
Wakeford, Samuel C.
Wakelin, Charles
Walcott, James
Walcott, John Charles
Walkden, Thomas
Walker, Arthur
Walker, Dennis
Walker, E.S.
Walker, Edward Henry
Walker, Edward William
Walker, Mrs Elizabeth (Mrs George Sharp)
Walker, George (born c. 1827)
Walker, George (born c. 1829)
Walker, George Edwards
Walker, Henry Percival
Walker, John
Wall, Eliza (Mrs Denis Good)
Wall, Julia (Mrs Sidney Smith)
Wall, Nicholas
Wallace, John
Wallace, William
Waller, John
Walmsley, Capt. Joshua
Walsh, Garret
Walsh, Joseph Valentine alias
Young, George
Walsh, Thomas
Walsh, William
Walters, John Charles
Walton, Revd James
Walton, Joseph
Ward, Mrs Elizabeth (born Morphet)
Ward, Francis
Ward, Mrs Harriet (born Griffin)
Ward, John
Ward, Josiah
Ward, Robert
Ward, Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs Leonard Clark)
Wardell, William James
Warn, John
Warner, William
Warren, Elizabeth see Allison, Revd James
Warren, Henry Albert
Warrington, Thomas
Warwick, Edward
Warwick, Francis
Warwick, Thomas
Washbourne, Daniel
Waters, William
Waterson, Christopher
Wathen, George Henry
Watkins, Edmund
Watkins, John
Watkins, Thomas (born 1810)
Watkins, Thomas (born c. 1812)
Watling, John Walter
Watson, (ex Bellona)
Watson, Mrs Ann Eldridge (later Mrs W.G. Baker)
Watson, Charles
Watson, James
Watson, John
Watson, Dr John Benton
Watson, John Ross Malcolm
Watson, Joseph Bradley
Watson, Richard
Watson, Thomas
Watson, William (born c. 1787)
Watson, William (born c. 1809)
Watson, William (born c. 1814)
Watson, William (Tottie)
Watton, Samuel
Watts, Stephen
Waugh, James
Webb, Francis G.
Webb, Henry (ex Jane Morice, July 1851)
Webb, Henry (ex Minerva)
Webb, James
Webb, John
Webb, Sarah
Webb, Thomas
Webber, Frederick
Webber, Joseph
Webster, David
Webster, George Kemp
Webster, Joseph
Weeks, William
Weir, James
Weir, William
Welburn, Mrs Mary (later Mrs Robert Whitaker)
Welch, Andrew
Welch, James
Welch, John William
Welden, Hannah
Weldon, Peter
Welford, Joseph
West, James Baugham
West, John
West, Joseph Ellis
West, W.
Westbrook, Henry Fletcher
Westbrook, James Alexander
Westell, John
Westly or Westley, Edward
Weston, George Kemp
Weston, James
Wetherdon, William F.
Wetherell, John Dent
Wheeler, James Napoleon
Wheeler, Joseph
Wheelwright, Charles Thomas
Whenstone, James
Whipp, Eliza (Mrs Samuel Grant)
Whipp, John
Whitaker, Robert
White, Alfred Samuel
White, Andrew
White, Henry
White, Henry Jeffreys
White, John
White, John A. (Elephant)
White, William Marshall
Whitehead, George James
Whitehorn, William Robert
Whitehurst, Joseph Cross
Whiteways, William
Whiting, William
Whitridge, Matthew
Whittaker, Daniel Faber
Whittaker, Edward Leyland
Whittaker, Thomas
Whitworth, Edward Clayton
Whyte, Andrew
Wickes, John
Wigg, James
Wiggett, Joseph
Wiggett, Joshua
Wilcox, John
Wildman, W.F.
Wiles, James
Wiles, William
Wilford, Henry
Wilkin, James
Wilkinson, Anthony
Wilkinson, Emma (Mrs John Jardine)
Wilkinson, Richard
Wilkinson, Sydney Lee
Wilkinson, William
Wilkinson, William George
Wilkinson, William John
Willan, Ann
Willan, Emily
Willan, Rhoda M.
Willes, Sarah (Mrs T. Ayres)
Williams, (ex Tuscan)
Williams, Abraham
Williams, Capel Hanbury
Williams, Charles
Williams, Francis
Williams, James (born c. 1808)
Williams, James (born c. 1823)
Williams, James (born c. 1830)
Williams, James Kings
Williams, John Owen
Williams, Michael Edward
Williams, Samuel
Williams, William
Williamson, David Bond
Williamson, David Hollowell
Williamson, George (born 1800)
Williamson, George (born c. 1820)
Williamson, John
Williamson, Mary
Willis, James
Willis, Samuel
Willis, William
Willson, Alfred
Willson, Mrs Elizabeth (born Holness)
Willson, George
Willson, George William Church
Willson, William Thomas
Willy, Robert Beck
Wilson, Cyrus
Wilson, Eliza (ex Ina)
Wilson, Eliza (ex Minerva)
Wilson, George
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, Isabella (Mrs Charles Collier)
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jeremiah
Wilson, John (born c. 1824)
Wilson, John (born c. 1825)
Wilson, John (born c. 1831)
Wilson, John Alexander
Wilson, Capt. Lewis
Wilson, Thomas
Wilson, William (born c. 1813)
Wilson, William (born c. 1818)
Wilson, William (ex Haidee)
Wilson, William Donald
Wilson, William Robert Shaw
Winder, George
Windham, Ashe Smyth
Winn, William
Winter, James William
Winter, John Joseph
Wirsing, George Henry
Wirsing, John Otto
Wishart, John
Withers, William Bramwell
Witherspoon, John Davis
Wolley, George
Wood, Alexander
Wood, Anna
Wood, Charlotte
Wood, Eliza Priscilla
Wood, Mrs Harriett
Wood, James Riddall
Wood, John
Wood, Richard
Wood, William
Wood, William alias Heslop, William
Wood, William Medley
Wood, Willson
Woodcock, Alexander Francis
Woodcock, John
Woodhead, Henry
Woodhead, Joseph Robert
Woodhouse, William
Woodrow, Mrs Henrietta Sarah Sophia (born Wraght) (later Mrs Robert Robertson)
Woods, Hugh
Woodward, Charles J.S.
Woodward, Frederick
Woodward, Marcus
Woodward, Oswald
Woolley, Mary
Wootton, William
Worsley, Richard
Wray, James
Wray, Leonard Hume
Wright, Humphrey J.
Wright, John (born c. 1817)
Wright, John (ex 45th Regiment)
Wright, Leonard
Wright, Robert
Wright, Thomas Dickinson
Wright, William
Wymark, Daniel
Wynn, William
Yardley, A. Joseph
Yates, Thomas
Yeo, Frederick Richard
York, William
Young, Adelaide (Mrs Henry Harper)
Young, Edwin
Young, George alias (born c. 1812) see Walsh, Joseph Valentine
Young, George (born c. 1822)
Young, Henry
Young, James
Young, Margaret (Mrs Thomas Pearson)
Young, Margaret Ann
Young, Sidney Smith
Zohrab, Peter Thomas Henry