McArthur, Alexander

MCARTHUR Alexander – 1822-1884 . Mayor of Durban, businessman, shipping agent, farmer.

Photo in Ingram SAS Henderson: Durban, p50

For an alphabetical list of sources, click here.

From Dunbarton (BSN p190).

Member of the first Durban Club (SDC p17).

Living in Durban in 1852. In partnership with .. Hunter (RoD 153).

Pioneered the small ships plying between Durban and the South Coast (OSBORN, R.F. Valiant harvest: OVH 90).

Sons Kenneth Stuart died of blackwater fever at Waterval Boven and Douglas Gordon was killed in a mining accident on the Reef – the dates of death of these 2 never established as in 1954 the trustees of Jane’s estate could find no death notices in Natal or Transvaal and applied to MSC for their deaths to be presumed from information available. Charles James emigrated to Australia some time before 1896 (WA Speirs p15-16 – Speirs, Walter A. Ox-wagon to Space Travel; the Speirs family of Natal, 1850-1985. Pte publication, 1985.).  

Started business with G. Macleroy and “Moses” Hunter, became proprietor of a

coffee estate at Wentworth. In 1860 became manager of Point Railway and mayor of Durban. After being railway manager commenced as (NM 9.9.58).a landing agent.

1846 – 6 Jan – Alice Mabel born (Tomb PSAC).

1850 June – Came at age of 28 (Cape A Cape Archives, Cape Town GH 9/3,

4.12.51). A merchant, short-shipped (Macleroy’s List).  

12 July – McArthur and Hunter – Commission Agents (NW Vol 13 p17).

1851 – 2 April – a letter written by George Macleroy for McArthur and Hunter of Durban

who were writing on behalf of friends in GB being connected with the General Screw Steam Ship Co. Letter to Natal Government (J. Dickson: Seaborne Rails of Natal, part 2 in NZ Post, vol 2 no 3 1998, p53-74).

Sep – G.C.Cato auctioning on behalf of Messrs MCA, and Hunter various items of

general trade, e.g. iron, tin and earthenware tobacco pipes, [illegible] peas, herrings, table salt, felt hats, rope, starch, dresses, etc. (NT 29.8.51).

21 Sept – McArthur and Hunter paid for the burial of John Collins [a seaman – (R St P, Dbn) who was buried from the Durban Gaol (hospital) (RSO 30 (1) p158 *unfortunately I have not been able to track down the origin of this source – A. Spencer.).

1852 – Living in Durban. In partnership with … Hunter.

Together with Hunter had a commission and shipping agent’s business “near the Trafalgar Hotel” (PNA 1852, p22).

Apr 2 – ANC between Alexander McArthur of  Durban, bachelor, co-partner in firm Mcarthur and Hunter and Jane Tweed Speirs, spinster daughter of Robt, Speirs of Bank Foot, near Pietermaritzburg, farmer, dated 2 April. Witnessed by Robt. Speirs and Geo. Macleroy (SCIV/3/67 HC Us 4).

Aged 30 he married Jane Tweed Speirs, 19, who had been born in Belfast and lived in Pietermaritzburg District. He was born in Dunbartonshire and lived in Durban (CSO 2282). She was the daughter of Robert Speirs q.v. (Tomb DC).

2 April – He was a landing and shipping agent at Port Natal and married Jane Tweed Speirs in Pietermaritzburg 2 April 1852. At one stage he owned 10 boats and 2 dinghys. He also dabbled unsuccessfully with sailing and steamships plying between Durban and the small ports to the South, and also planted coffee (WA Speirs p15-16).

May – The flagstaffs of Messrs. MCA and H. profusely decorated for the Queen’s

Birthday  (NT 28.8.52).

1853 Apr – daughter born at Albion Cottage (NM 21.4.53).

Daughter Eva born Durban, died at Avenal, Dargle in 1911. She married

Alexander Spiers (born Scotland 1847 and died Howick April 24 1931 (Tomb

DC), nephew of Robert Speirs  (q.v. – SPMO’BS).

19 April – Daughter Evaline born in Durban and she married her first cousin once removed, Alexander James Speirs (b Dec 1847, Scotland), son of John Speirs. Alex and Evaline lived on farm Avenal in the Dargle (sub division of Inhlosane). Evaline died 12 Jan 1911 and Alexander on 24 April 1931 (WA Speirs p43).

By this time he already had a wife (RoD 168) – she took her 3-month old baby to

the balls at this time (RoD 169).

McArthur and Hunter, shipping agents and commission merchants, Pine Terrace

(DDP 1853).

1854 Aug – Merchant,  Durban, owner (NGG 15.8.54) – also owned land in

Pietermaritzburg (NGG 8.8.54).

Had been in firm Anderson, Dixon and Co. – partnership dissolved in August

1854 and he carried on on his own. Partnership with Hunter dissolved at the

same time. (NI 31.8.54)

31 Oct – Gave PA to Adam McKenzie of Fort Beaufort. Witnessed by Wm.

Anderson and Chas Speirs (SC NP IV/12/13 GL 81).

1855 – April – Son born at Albion Cottage,  Durban (NCA 6.4.1855).

8 April – Alexander Douglas (WA Speirs p43).

1856 – August – On Board of Directors of the Natal Chamber of Commerce on its

foundation in Aug (NM Supp 22.5.1934, p9).

Oct – Selling off his boats as he’s leaving the Colony for a short period (NM


Oct Disposed of the landing and shipping business known as Port Natal Boating

Co. to Messrs. Samuel Crowder & Co (NP 31.10.56).

Son Kenneth Stuart born 1 October (R Cong. Durban).

1 Oct – Son born at Albion Cottage (NSEAT 15.10.56).

McArthur, Alexander, Merchant, 10 Longmarket Street, Pmb, Landowner (NGG


Alexander McArthur owned 464 acres in Wentworth (NM 4.1.1856).

1857 Chosen as a Town Councillor (RoD 322). Kept a store (Russell, George: History

of old Durban 412).

Entered Town Council 1857 – continued until 1863, [illegible] from 1860-1863 (M.

Parker’s Scrapbook).

28 Oct October –  Made agreement with C. Macdonald. MCD had lease of an

acre at Congella for 50 years from 19 Sep 1857 at £1 p.a. and intends to

commence and continue manufacture of salt from seawater. MCA agrees to

supply him with money for this manufacture on the following terms:

  1. McD to pay 6% on all moneys advanced,
  2. All salt produced to be assigned to McA, he getting 15% del credere commission on the gross amount of such sales, whoever makes the sales (MCD or McA) plus moderate charge for storing, receiving and delivering said salt.
  3. the lease of the land plus all machinery, utensils etc. to be assigned.
  4. McD to have management of the contemplated salt works and manufacture, subject at all times to MCAs superintendence – who may at any time enter into and assume sole possession of the works if he thinks it, to retain possession until repaid all his advances  (SC IV/12/13 [illegible] 128).

Became a Durban town councillor in 1857 and 1859-63 and was Mayor for 1860-1863 (WA Speirs p15-16).

12 Dec – He, a merchant and storekeeper of  Durban, being about to leave the

Colony for a while, gave P/A to John Gray – a warehouseman [paper

disintegrated] (SC-NP IV/7/17 no 449).


1858  – 19 Jan McD executed a deed of assignment, giving McA the buildings, fixtures,

machinery, utensils, tools and apparatus used by him for manufacture of

salt  (SC IV/12/13 no 128).

Feb – A Mr McArthur, wife and child arrived on the Madagascar from all

Ports (E173).

March – When Mr Alex McArthur was away for a few months Mr John Gay held his General Power of Attorney (NM 20.3.1858 p 6)

April – He left on Madagascar for CT (NM 15.4.58).

April – Advertising salt for sale in his stores at Pine Terrace and West St. which

was made at the Congella Salt Works (NM 15.4.58).

3 April – Made his will. Has 164 acres at Wentworth viz. lots 25,27,29,31,32 & 36

(maybe more but paper disintegrated). Has cultivated coffee here at

considerable outlay to extent of about £790 – the lots bought and cultivated by

him from his own money.

Executors, wife and John Gray his clerk and storekeeper.

Witnesses George Andrews, his storekeeper and Wm. Arbuckle his clerk

(SC-NP IV/7/17/JRG 462).

September – In connection with the auction of the Salt Works, at Congella, apply

Mr A. McArthur, West St. or G. Laurie, attorney  (NM 9.9.58).

Oct – daughter Katherine Agnes born 9 October, died 14 Mar. 1939 (Tomb DC). Katherine Agnes born 9 Oct, married Duncan McKenzie. They farmed at Lion’s Bush and later at Cotswold. Katherine died 14 March 1939 (Speirs, p44-45).

10 Oct – A daughter born (NM 14.10.58) (NW 22.10.58).

1859 – Jan – He returned on the Imperatrice Eugenie from a London (E174)?

Apr – centered partnership with HD Muirhead (21,22)

April – J.T. Rennie appointed Alex McArthur to replace John Brown as his agent in Durban. No reason given. Brown was already in communication with the Union Co. (Rennies Steamers Service by John Dickson in N. Z. Post v4 no 1, March 2000, p18).

Aug – Made a director of the  Durban Branch of the Natal Bank (NM 18.8.59).

Chosen a director of  Durban branch of Natal Bank in room of W.Brown Esq.,

[illegible] (NS 20.8.59).

McArthur, Alexander, Merchant, Durban, Possessor (NM 11.8.1859)

1860 – Apr – The business hitherto carried out by him was henceforth to be conducted

under the firm McArthur, Muirhead & Co. – agents in Glasgow, Muirhead,

McArthur and Co. (NS 7.4.60).

3 June – Son Charles James born (R Cong Durban).

3 June – son born (NM 7.6.60).

13 June – Erskine informed Rennies agent in Durban, McArthur, Muirhead and Co.  that they would not enforce a penalty for non-performance – post late – they must provide another boat. The barque ‘Witch’ was settled on but post was still late and now a steamer is expected in four months (Rennies Steam Service by John Dickson from NZ Post v4 no 2, June 2000, p46).

July – MCA and Muirhead wrote from  Durban saying they were getting out a small screw steamer for purpose of entering mouth of Umkomaas and bringing up sugar from the estates there and the Umzinto – expense to be about £2500 – £3000 – ask for land on N and S sides of Umkomaas so they can cut fuel for the steamer. Ask also for a lease of land to erect a coal shed somewhere between Capt. Bell’s residence and the Point and permission to cut wood on the Bluff if required at any time for the working of the vessel. Think the vessel will arrive not

later than 5 months. Answer: LG has no power to grant land and the wood will probably be needed for harbour purposes (CSO 2251 no E621).

August – Elected Durban’s 7th Mayor (RoD 458). Re-elected Aug ‘61 (HD p48) and Aug 62 (Ibid, p53).

Mayor of Durban 1860, 1861, 1862 and 1863 (Durban Corporation Mayors


18 Oct – Reference to new screw steam lighter – 90 tons, can be carried on

draught of 5 foot (The ‘Natalie’), built by J. Henderson and Son, Renfrew. They turn out the fastest Clyde steamers. Owners Messrs McArthur, Muirhead and Co (NM 1860)

17 Dec – A disagreement between Alexander McArthur of the firm McArthur and Muirhead and Richard King of Isipingo, sugar planter, was sent for arbitration to John Sanderson, merchant of Dbn and Wm. Smerdon, merchant of  Durban, with, if necessary, umpirage by James Blackwood. The disagreement centres around the correctness of accounts rendered by McArthur & Muirhead for money advanced to King and goods sold to and for him with commission and interest claimed. Witnessed by George Lambert and A.A. Robertson (SC – NP IV/7/18 VRG 634).

December – A boat belonging to McArthur used to smuggle gunpowder off ‘Henrietta’ (A40 Dep 1/4/p 708).

The chief mate of the Henrietta, who has now deserted his ship, said that the captain of the vessel shipped a case of about 20 guns at Glasgow, saying what a good price he could get for them in Natal.  While in harbour in Durban, the captain ordered him to pass a case of gunpowder into a boat belonging to McArthur in which were Bob Speirs and about 5 or 6 men from Durban. Speirs had asked for the gunpowder belonging to W. Speirs and the mate understood it was for Wm. Speirs and addressed to him on the paper card. The captain swore him to secrecy and the mate says he has left his ship because of these events and because the captain threatened his life.

Also said he had seen Mr A. Ferguson on board in close conversation with the captain.

Said he heard the men in the boat say that they would run up to the

head of the Bay and land the gunpowder at the foot of a garden and

then ‘get it to town’.

There is nothing else about the case apart from the evidence of

Zackariah Starkie of the Umgeni who has given refuge to the mate and

heard his story. The mate’s name was John Bruce (p 48 – no source given)

(AGO 1/4/5 p707-709?).

18 Dec – Alex McArthur owned and occupied part of LA6 in Block M, Ward 1,

Durban County. Annual value £40 (N.M. 18.12.1860).

Alex McArthur owned and occupied part of LA19 in Block E, Ward 4,

Durban County. Annual value £48 (No source).

Alex McArthur owned and occupied part of LA20 in Block E, Ward 4,

Durban County. Annual value £93 (No source).

Alex McArthur owned LA9 in Block A, Ward 2, Durban County. Freehold value £700 (No source).

1861 Feb – “Natalie” arrived from Glasgow with W. Graham Capt. and a Mr

Anderson as passenger. She arrived from Algoa 26 April 61 with W.

Anderson as Capt., arrived from Umkomaas 11 May 61 with W.

Anderson as Capt., arrived from Mauritius 15 July 1861 with W.

Graham as Capt (E174).

28 Feb –  ‘The ‘Natalie’’, small screw steamer, hold for 80 tons of cargo,

figurehead symbolising the genius of our land – 90 ton vessel (NM 1861).

25 March – First ship steamed into the Umkomaas river, the ‘Natalie’ – Port Scott

near river mouth. Arrived at about noon only to find the tide was not full enough

to attempt difficult passage into river mouth. After waiting, it entered. The historic entry was a breakthrough for transportation.

The journey could take 5 days.

At high tide it steamed 400m up the Umkomaas. ‘Natalie’ loaded 40 tons of sugar from Umzinto estates, which is the equivalent of 12 wagon loads.

When conditions were too risky barges were used to ferry goods while she anchored offshore.

The ship’s first voyage was the only incident free one. In May 1861 she struck a sandbank.

Then on 11 August 1861, when departing with 800 bags of sugar she struck rocks and keeled over.

Part of her cargo was salvaged but not until January 1862.

‘Natalie’ was refloated and returned to Durban for repairs. She was renamed the ‘Congune’ by her new owners but her services to Umkomaas were? lost (NM 22.3.2001).

28 March – description of how the ‘Natalie’ opened up Umkomaas river. Distance from Bluff to Umkomaas is 22 miles (NM 1861).

12 Apr – Left with wife on “Natalie” for Algoa (E174).

19 May – Left on “Natalie” for Mauritius and returned on same 16 July 1861


May – Beningfield chosen Mayor in place of Alex McArthur (NS 25.5.61).

16 May – The ‘Natalie’ went up Umkomaas River, stuck on sandbank till next tide,

then got further up river than before – took 40 tons of sugar from Umzinto estate and sailed out safely – draws 5 and a half feet (NM 1861)

Aug – re-elected.

15 Aug – ‘Natalie’ wrecked in Umkomaas river with 800 bags of sugar. Stuck on sand spit, then got off and ran on rocks. Beat? Heavily. Keeled over, now on beam ends. Most of cargo lost. She may be scored (NM 1861).

Aug – ‘Natalie’ – small iron screw steamer – got on shore coming out of the Umkomaas in 1861. Condemned, sold, got off and brought to Durban for repairs. Machinery taken out and made into a sailing vessel and now sails under the name ‘Congune’ (NS 20.11.63).

Aug – Brunton bought the “Natalie” as she lay, including the engines,

for £300 and also bought most of the gear and fittings the whole of this

realised £230 (NM 29.8.61 in OSBORN, R.F. Valiant harvest, p154).

12 Sept – ‘Natalie’ floated off and to be repaired (NM 1861)

7 Nov – ‘Natalie’ – Report of Commission (NM 1861)

        24 Nov. Daughter Jeanie born. Died 6 Sept 1957, married Peter John

Mitchell (4 May 1854 – 28 Sept 1926) (Tomb DC) of Barberton.

24 Nov – Daughter Jane born (R Cong Durban)

25 Nov – Daughter born  in Durban (NCPA 27.11.61).

5 Dec – ‘Natalie’ getting in her engine at the Umkomaas, having being sufficiently

repaired to steam up to Durban on next opening tide (NM 1861)

1862 Jan – McArthur and Muirhead are agents for ‘Waldensian’ (NCPA 15.1.62).

24 Jan – Reference to little coaster ‘Natalie’ stranded but re-floated – important for

Umzinto planter for benefits of water carriage (NW 1855-1864)

Received a medal at 1862 International Exhibition for Coffee of excellent quality

as a new production (NCPA 29.5.63).

1 April – John Gavin is repairing ‘Natalie’ (NM 1862).

Jul – Alex McArthur the trustee of Arbuthnots insolvent estate deposed on 30 July

that the property Arbuthnot owned be obtained in the following way:

the land on which he erected a sugar mill was a government grant for

which no money was paid. That the 100 acres adjoining was paid for

by McA and together the two properties form “Umzinto Lodge”.

McArthur planted 30 acres of cane and induced Arbuthnot to order

sugar machinery from Scotland at a cost of £2000, for which MCÀ is

still responsible. In addition, MCA paid all transportation costs of the

machinery and other instalment costs (RSCI/8/6 no 469).

Oct – In the first annual report of the Female Middle Class Emigration

Society, dated 28 Oct 1862,  gave as the Natal representatives Mesdames

McArthur, R. Acutt, Brickhill Churchill and Lamport (Clarke: The Governesses, p

11, 13).

Nov – Wife a communicant of St A’s Durban – certified by Reverend George Philip of the Durban Congregational Church (St A’s Durban Communion Rolls 16.11.62). On 1863 roll (Ibid).

30 Dec – The firm McArthur Muirhead as agents of Messrs. James Abernethy and Co. of Aberdeen were sued by John Miller of Durban for not delivering in time certain sugar machinery. The matter is to be arbitrated by Robert Acutt and John Philip Hoffman with umpirage by James Renault Saunders (SC – NP IV/7/18 VRG 484).

1863 26 Apr – Daughter, Mary born  (R St A, Durban), died Feb. 18 1928 (Tomb


     Daughter born at Albion Cottage (NM April 1863).  

Daughter born at Albion Cottage, Durban (NCPA 3.3.63).

Mary Lindsay was born 2 April 1863. From about 1916/17 she took on the job of

caring for her uncle Bob Speirs and lived with him until his death in 1924 (Speirs,


31 August – He and H.D. Muirhead dissolved partnership on 31 Aug.1863

had been McArthur, Muirhead & Co. (SC IV/19/3 6JDS 70).

October – his property sold at Acutt’s auction for gross amount of

£1060 (NS 8.10.63).

27 Oct – Gentleman of Durban, formerly in business in partnership with Henry

Donaldson Muirhead in firm McArthur Muirhead & Co., assigned to

Muirhead his rights in a mortgage bond for £6083.4 passed by Robt.

Gazley Mack of Isipingo in his favour dated 3 July 1862. Witnessed by Thos.

Wm. Findlay and Wm. Arbuckle Snr  (SC IV/19/34 JDS 130).

1864 Jan – Petition of Alex. McA. of Durban, coffee planter, at Pietermaritzburg.

Says that at the end of 1854 or beginning of 1855 the farm Wentworth was sold in lots and he bought 7 totalling 484 acres 2r, 23p. on behalf of his daughter Evaline. She was born in April 1853 and will be 21 in April 1874.

In about 1857 he put the land under coffee and has built houses on it, thinking he could at any time put the land back in his own name. Has several other children. At the time of it’s purchase he was a merchant in Durban.

In April 1859 entered into a partnership with H.D. Muirhead as

Merchants in Glasgow and Durban and of which until recently he was managing

partner in Durban.

He had spent a lot of money on the Wentworth estate and, thinking in belonged

to him, put it among the assets of the partnership. The partnership has been recently dissolved

and he has to pay out the balance of advances made from partnership

funds into the plantation. Wishes to have the land transferred to

himself and land of equal value substituted in his daughter’s name.

Also put forward a proposal for the lease to himself of the lands until

his daughter reaches 21. Sent for a Masters report  (RSC 1/8/11 Us 879).

1864 Oct – Manager of the Natal Railway Co. (NCPA 19.10.64).

1865 7 Mar – Coffee planter of Durban. Applied for leave to transfer

a mortgage bond of £1000 on Lots 26,28,30 and 32 of farm Wentworth from Hartley & Co. who want their money, to the Natal Land & Colonization Co. as a first charge on the land which also has 2 other mortgage bonds on it, one of which is granted by himself as guardian to his daughter Evaline, a minor. Granted. (RSC 1/8/15 No 1305).

1866 Feb – Coffee planter, Wentworth – he? [sic] and Thos. Wm. Findlay of Durban,

merchant, and his partner Henry Donaldson Muirhead, trading as

Muirhead, Findlay and co. McA – indebted to the firm – cedes his crop of

1866 of mealies and coffee (SC IV/19/35 JdS 839).

26 Dec – Daughter Nora born at Durban (R St A, Durban)

26 Dec – Daughter born at Durban (NM Dec 1866).

1867 – McArthur, Alexander, Planter, Wentworth, Owner (NGG 6.8.1867, Durban


1868 – 26 Sept – Daughter Mabel Shooter McArthur born, died 27 August 1932

(Tomb DC).

26 Sept – Daughter Alice Mabel  born, in Durban (WA Speirs, p 62-3).

15 Sept  – Daughter born at Durban (NM Sept 1868).

27 Nov – a coffee planter of Durban he is unable to pay his creditors. An

agreement is drawn up whereby Henry Locher Payne manager of

London & S.A. Bank of Durban and Thos.Wm. Findlay, co-partner in

firm Muirhead, Findlay and Co. are appointed trustees with P/A. The

coffee estate comprises Lots No. 26,28,30,32 of the farm “Wentworth”.

The trustees are to run the farm for the benefit of the creditors until the

31 Dec 1870 with the proviso that McArthur may redeem the same

by payment of £6000. After 31 Dec 1870 all assets will be disposed of

and balance of proceeds divided amongst creditors (SC – NP IV/7/19 VRG 883a).

1869 – 6 Mar – the trustees of the estate “Wentworth” being H.L. Bayne, T.W.

Findlay and Wm. Arbuckle took out a mortgage with the London and

S.A. Bank for sum of £1500 until 31 Dec. 1870 (SC – NP IV/7/19 VRG 888).

On same day an agreement drawn up whereby all sales of crops etc from Wentworth will accrue to the London and SA bank will only be handled by Muirhead Findlay & Co. The money borrowed is towards the running costs of the estate  (SC – NP IV/7/19 VRG 889).

22 Aug – Son Alex. Douglas died aged 14 (Durban Government Register).

Alex. Douglas, their eldest son died from an accident (gun-shot

wound) at Woodville Coffee Plantation (NM Aug 1869).

Wife a communicant of Wentworth Durban – (St A’s, Durban Communion Rolls ).

McArthur, Alexander, Planter, Wentworth, Owner (NGG 10.8.1869 – Durban


1870 6 June – Son Douglas born  (R St A, Durban). Born at Woodville Coffee Estate

(NM 14.6.70)

12 June – son born at Westville? Coffee estate (NM 14.6.70).

Douglas Gordon born 3 July 1870, is presumed to have died in a mining accident

in Johannesburg (Speirs, p64).

        31 Dec – Date by which McArthur has to redeem Woodville

On the Umkomanzi – the ‘Natalie’ a steamer of 40 tons, (now the ‘Congune’) was

found unfitted for the work she had to do, though on two occasions she came inside, so also the ‘Gnu’ which was much more unsuited than her predecessor for the service. No fair trial with a proper vessel has been made. There are shallow flat bottomed craft made for plying the Australian coast (Robinson N. on N. p107).

Advertisement – Alex McArthur (Late Alliance Boating Company) Landing,

Shipping, Commission and Forwarding Agent, Point (Robinson N. on N. p237).

1871 – The folk at Woodville are much the same as they always are, that is with a

washed out kind of look. Eva is much troubled with face ache, she is not very strong (Robert Speirs to Fred Bucknall 18 Mar 1871 from Woodville Bucknall’s book, p145).

1872 – 27 March – Daughter Jessie Marion born (R St A, Durban), died 6 April 1950

(Tomb DC).

Daughter born at Grey St.  Durban (NM 4.4.72).

McArthur, Alexander, Landing Agent, Durban, Renter (NGG 6.8.1872 – Durban


17 Aug – Thos Findlay Muirhead of Durban, sole surviving partner of late firm

Muirhead Findlay and Co in liquidation and Wm Palmer, in their capacity of liquidators of said firm under deed of arrangement dated 7 Sept 68

on first point – TF Muirhead in his capacity as attorney and agent for Henry Donaldson Muirhead formerly a partner in late firm Muirhead, Findlay and Co, acting under P/A granted 20 May 1871,

on second point, David Landsborough Findlay of Durban as exec. [illegible]  in intestate estate of T.W. Findlay

on third point and Wm Palmer as [illegible] agent of Lewis Potter of Glasgow cessionary of a certain mortgage bond,

on 4th part and Chas Stuart Pillens? As alt and agent of Daniel de Pass and John Spence of CT, merchants (De Pass, Spence and Co) in CT and Spence and Co in Durban,

on 5th part, once partnership with McA was dissolved HD Muirhead took T.W. Findlay as partner under style Muirhead, Findlay and Co and so continued to 1866, when T.F. Muirhead joined the business, which still continued under same name.

HDM c Mar 67 retired from partnership leaving TW Findlay, TF Muirhead as sole partners.

By agreement dated 8 Aug 1867 between Lewis Potter, merchant, Glasgow and Jas. Muirhead, jeweller, Glasgow and Wm Rennie Findlay, merchant, Glasgow on 1st point Geo Dick and Thos Findlay of Muirhead Insurance Brokers in Glasgow, carrying on business under form of Dick and Muirhead,

on second part and T Findlay and TF Muirhead as partners

on 3rd part it was agreed that liquidation of Muirhead, Findlay and Co be carried on by the third party and that their property be sold.

TW Findlay died 6 May 1869.

On 18 July 1871 SC appointed Wm Palmer as trustee of deed of 7 Sept 68 [which had superseded that of 8 Aug 67].

On 25 June 69, RP King, formerly of Durban, Trader, then of the Isipingo, sugar planter and CJ Noon his wife and James Fayers of Isipingo, farmer. Fayers leased 2 lots of land at Isipingo, one of 60 acres and another, also 60 acres, for 50 years from 1 Jan 1859.

James Fayers was indebted to McArthur, Muirhead and Co to the amount of £2157 odd and on 26 Sept 62 passed a mortgage bond and this ceded to Lewis Potter on 5 Jan 1864.

Fayers unable to pay and has ceded to Muirhead, Findlay and Co. his interest in the lease and De Pass Spence and Co are to buy this interest for £4000, this on 17 August 1872 (SCIV/19/36 JDS 70).

27 March –  a daughter born to Mrs A McArthur at Grey Street, Durban (NW 9.4.72).

4 March – Lot 4, Block A transferred to P. G. Mitchell. (Extract from ‘The History of Fort Nottingham’).

Described as Landing and Shipping Agent, Point, (DNA 1872).

1872,73 & 75 – Wife a communicant of Grey St. Durban – (St A’s, Durban Communion


1873 – end – Advertised as Landing and shipping agent, Point – landing agent for Union

Co’s Steamers (DNA 1873).

Alexander McArthur occupied part of Erf 1 in Block A, Durban county, owned by

W. Brunton (NM 11.2.1873).

Muirhead, Helen C. owned Erf no 9 in Block A, Durban county, occupied by

Thos. F. Muirhead (NM 11.2.1873).

Muirhead, TF, occupied land owned by the Board of Admiralty, Govt. Ext. Durban

(NM 11.2.1873).

McArthur, Alex, occupied land owned by the Board of Admiralty, Govt. Ext.

Durban (NM 11.2.1873).

McArthur, Alex, occupied land owned by the Board of Ordnance, Durban County

(NM 11.2.1873).

13 Jan – Med?, Jessie, Florence Farrin, Miss and Master McArthur, Miss

Robinson and Mrs Beachcroft called – at Newstead (JE Methley’s Diary 1873 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

20 Oct – Mr and Mrs McArthur and Graham Hutchinson came to dinner (JE Methley’s Diary 1873 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

I saw Mrs McArthur when I was in Durban (Frank Bucknall to Fred Bucknall 28 Dec 1873 in Bucknall’s book, p145).

1874 – 27 Jan – daughter Annie Hilda Lee born. Died 2 August 1936  (Tomb St T).

27 Jan – daughter Annie Hilda born and married Hilton Lee – no issue (WA

Speirs, p64)

26 Jan  daughter Annie Hilda born (R St A, Durban)

17 Nov – Landing agent – wrote from Durban – says in 1860 he brought to Natal a

small steamer called the ‘Natalie’, for purpose of trading between the mouth of

the Umkomanzi and the Port of Natal – this called for because of the bad state of

the roads. Shortly after opening up this line of communication the steamer was

wrecked at the mouth of the river and his losses were upward of £2000.

At the beginning of 1874 the road being little improved, he brought out from

England another small steamer “Anthony Musgrave” – he was induced to do so

under the impression that due and sufficient measures had been taken to

improve the entrance of the river to enable small craft to enter without risk.

Nevertheless it was wrecked there without any fault of the captain and crew.

Believes the wreck was caused by the imperfect state of the works. Owing to

some misunderstanding in England the ‘Anthony Musgrave’ was not

insured and his losses amount to nearly £3000. Asks for compensation in the

form of land in the neighbourhood of the Lower Umkomanzi. Answer: No. (CSO

2267 no H665).

Landing and shipping agent – Point – Landing agent for Union Company

Steamers (DNA 1874 ads).

4 March – J.R. Goodricke, acting for the defendant Jas. Farquar Morice? In the

case Aden Escombe and Co and JFM in a declaration dated 4 March, 1874,

stated that it is his purpose to prove that the ‘Congune’ was unseaworthy at the

time of her loss for the following reasons:

she had been built from the materials arising from the wreck of the ‘Natalie’ and was ‘too thickly plated’ [sic].

Had operated for a long time, without being classed in the African coasting trade without sufficient repairs.

She was damaged in March 1872 getting on the bar at St Johns river and remaining there for some time with cargo in her and then washed off and stranded on the beach.

Since then she had not been surveyed or repaired up to the time of the loss.

At the time of her loss she was not properly moored and sank at anchor in smooth water in harbour.

‘Congune’ had sailed from Durban to St Johns on 6 March 1872 with cargo. She was stuck on the bar at St Johns, washed over it and out to sea again on 12 March. Recrossed on 14, sticking again and was driven ashore on a bank inside the bay, there bumping for several days.

On 21 March Edmund Escombe wrote to London to effect an open policy on cargo which could be shipped by his firm to ports between Natal and CT.

Many shipments had been made by them between then and the sinking of the ‘Congune’, which had not been declared.

The ‘Congune’ had been carrying a full load of sugar for East London loaded in Natal on 16 Oct 1872. This was her first full cargo since her beaching at St Johns. She sank in the Bay of Natal on 17 Oct 1872 in calm weather at 3am.

JRG had written to Escombe’s attorneys on 27 Dec asking them to share the expense of putting the ‘Congune’, which had been raised, into its place, where a full survey could be made. They objected.

On 12 Jan they were told that the ‘Congune’ would be moved with government permission. £120 had been spent on this by Morice, nothing by Escombe who had sold the vessel for something like £3.10 when she sank.

Survey was done on 23 Feb by G.C. Cato and Capt Brown who recommended certain plates be cut out and sent home [sic] as evidence of the vessel’s condition.

Because Escombe threatened to remove certain plates from the vessel JGR obtained an interdict against him on 16 Feb. Next day Escombe obtained a counter interdict. Believes it is necessary that these plates be removed and sent home as evidence before the Commission for examination. Application for dissolution of the interdict on 10 March 1874 was successful (RSC 1/8/55 Us 5116).

McArthur, Alexander, Landing Agent, Durban, Owner (NGG 8.9.1874 – Durban

County, Durban II)

McArthur, Alexander, Landing Agent, Grey Street, Durban, Owner (NGG 6.10.1874 – Durban Town)

1875 Sep 23 – McArthur surrendered his estate – liabilities amounted to £6198.2.5d and

assets to £3651.11.4d – assets included 10 boats and 2 dinghys, a coffee farm at

Wentworth and his property in Grey Street with dwelling house (McArthur Street

in Durban is named after him). William Palmer appointed sole trustee of insolvent

Estate (WA Speirs p15-16).

1876 – 1 Jan – Mr and Miss McArthur, Hutchinson, B. Speirs and other came to dinner

(JE Methley’s Diary 1876 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

8 Sept – Mr McArthur called (JE Methley’s Diary 1876 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

27 Sep – G.D. Goodricke as partner in Goodricke & Sons appeared and declared

that Miss Jane McArthur formerly residing in Natal owed the firm £35 odd for legal costs and he wanted payment from her or from C. Schweizer now or lately of Burghersdorp in the Cape. Gives P/A to Henry M.Smith of East London, attorney to recover the money from one or both of them wherever they may be in the Cape Colony (SC IV/19/44 WJS no 20).

McArthur, Alexander, Gentleman, Caversham, Owner (NGG 3.10.1876 – Durban Town VR)

McArthur, Alexander, Gentleman, Karkloof, Owner (NGG 3.10.1876 – Durban County VR)

3 Nov – Mr Speirs and 2 Miss McArthurs dined (JE Methley’s Diary 1876 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

1876/77-9 – Wife was ‘late of Grey Street’ on Communion rolls (St A’s, Durban

Communion Rolls)

1877 – Frank Bucknall to Fred Bucknall c. 1877 from the Dargle, Caversham: ‘I have the

McArthur’s as neighbours. Miss McArthur will never do anything again, I am afraid (Bucknall p147). Eva and Kate were up at the wedding (Charles Speirs – King). E

15 Feb – Mrs Jane McArthur provisionally appointed postmistress of the Dargle

when Mrs Beechcroft resigned from 5th approximately (GN 60/1877 of 15 Feb).

24 Feb – JEM (Methley?) to meet Mr Mason at Caversham and returned with Bob Speirs and Eva McArthur (JE Methley’s Diary 1877 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

26 Feb – Mr Speirs and Miss McArthur left before breakfast (JE Methley’s Diary 1877 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

HD Muirhead owned Block H in dia 1 to 10 B3, Richmond land £50-0-d  HD Muirhead owned Block I in dia 1 to 10 B3, Richmond land £50-0-dH

D Muirhead owned Block C in dia 6, Richmond land £50-0-d (NGG

8.3.1881, p41)

In 1877 HD Muirhead owned in Block H, LAs 2 and 3 Illovo, land £5.0.0d (NGG

8.3.1881,  p35)

1879 – Alexander McA, farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, Dargle (DNA 1879, p359)

25 July – Daisy McArthur dined at Methleys (James Methley’s Diary 1879).

1879 – 1882 – Wife J was postmistress of the Dargle (NBBs).

1880 – Roll says “Mrs Alex McArthur late of Grey St. (Colenso)” (St A’s Communion

Rolls, Durban) .  

Nora married (Miss Robinson’s scrapbook).

Norah’s husband Col. Geo. Robt Richards, born 27 Dec 1865 in Pietermaritzburg

(NWW 1933, p206)

Norah’s husband Col. Geo. Robt Richards, died May 1851, aged 85 (Tomb


1881 – 1882 – Postmistress at the Dargle was Mrs J McArthur (DNA 1881 and 1882).

1881 – 30 Sept – Mr W. Speirs and Miss J.E. McArthur called (JE Methley’s Diary 1881 –

Natal Settlers mentioned).

5 Nov – ‘The dance came off last night. Mrs Napier and Mrs Slatler were the

chaperones. Charlie McArthur dances very nicely, he makes you dance, he is an awfully nice boy. I like him, he admires Jane, I am sure. ‘Glenaggie’ was there – he thinks himself a splendid dancer. Charlie McArthur is so different, he really is very very nice. He is tall and very nice looking, and so pleasant and gentlemanly and polite to ladies, not a forced politeness, but as if he honoured the gentler sex’.

(Journal of Margaret Macleroy, p105)

McArthur, Alexander married Jane Tweed Speirs in 1852 purchased 1.n of A McArthur in trust:

Wentworth Sub C of 25 area 64a Or 16p land £80-2-4d No UDG Total  £80-2-4d

Wentworth Sub C of 27 area 60a Or 7p land £75-1-1d No UDG Total  £75-1-1d

Wentworth Sub C of 29 area 59a 2r 3p land £74-8-0d No UDG Total  £74-8-0d

Wentworth Sub C of 31 area 53a Or 20p land £60-8-1d No UDG Total  £60-8-1d

Wentworth Sub C of 33 area 52a Or 22p land £65-3-5d No UDG Total  £65-3-5d

Wentworth Sub C of 35 area 71a 1r 37p land £89-7-0d No UDG Total  £89-7-0d

(NGG 8.3.1881, p128-9)

1882 – McArthur, Alexander, farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, The Dargle (DNA 1882)

McArthur, Kenneth, S. farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, The Dargle (DNA 1882)

On first roll after 1881, the communion roll says ‘Colenso Cong. Church, Durban.

Admitted from Congregational Church, Durban’ 16 Nov 1882 (St A’s Durban

Communion Rolls).

1883 – Some time before 1883 they bought ‘The Chestnuts’ (722 acres) which was Sub B of A of “The Dargle”  no 913, possibly in 1882 – transfer date 10 Oct.1884 and

the farm remained in family until 1963 when transferred to Clive Neville Griffin

from estate of Walter Mitchell and Effie Nest Mitchell (WA Speirs p15-16).

12 June – Evaline, of Dargle, at Howick, married Alexander Speirs, farmer of the

Dargle (NM 20.6.83).

Aug – daughter Katherine Agnes, 24. born  Durban, married Duncan McKenzie,

24, born in Nottingham. At same time daughter Jeanie, 21, married Peter John

Mitchell, 29, born Loch Carron (CSO 2287).

15 Aug, Jeannie [sic], of ‘The Chestnuts’ married Peter John Mitchell, at ‘The

Chestnuts’, farmer of Nottingham  (NM 22.8.83).

Daughter Katherine Agnes married Duncan McKenzie (1859-1932), son of

Duncan McKenzie of Lion’s Bush, Nottingham [sic] (NWW 1906, p127).

Daughter Katherine Agnes (Kate) of ‘The Chestnuts’, Dargle, on 15 Aug married

Duncan McKenzie of Fort Nottingham at ‘The Chestnuts’ (NM 22.8.83) and he

was buried 23 Sept 1926 aged 72 (R Ang H).

4 June – C.J.McArthur witnessed protocol drawn up by H.J.Shuter in Newcastle

(SVC IV/19/31 no 11/1883).

Jeanne [sic] born in Durban 24 Nov 1861 and married 15 August 1883 Peter Mitchell (double wedding with Katherine). Peter Mitchell owned Cotswold at some time and sold it to Duncan McKenzie and went transport riding to Barberton, but later returned to Natal farming (just before the Boer War). He bought the farm ‘Glenfern’ in the Nottingham Road district and did stock farming. Mitchell died at Glenfern on 26 Sept 1926. Jeanne died 6 Sept 1957 – one son was Bernard Charles Mitchell who was born 25 June 1895 at Barberton – all the children born at Barberton (from 1888-1897) (Speirs, p50).

1884 Mar 10 – Died at Howick aged 62 (Tomb H.A.C).

Buried at St Luke’s

10 March – McArthur was buried, aged 63, was of ‘The Chestnuts’ (R Ang H)

10 March – Died at Howick, late of Durban. Was member of one of the oldest

Durban firms, McArthur and Hunter, subsequently Messrs McArthur and

Muirhead. These firms were identified with the earliest days of steam traffic in

Natal, having been agents for the line of coastal steamers established 30 years

ago by the late Mr J.T. Rennie and represented by the vessels Madagascar and


He was mayor of Durban 4 times, in which capacity he received Prince Alfred in

1860. He left his business and became Manager of the Old Natal Railway

Company. When his health failed he lived in the Transvaal and then in the Dargle

district. He was about 60 years old (NM 14.3.84) (NW 15.3.84).

At one stage was Manager of the Point Railway – he died at Howick on 10 Mar

1884 and is buried in St Luke’s Churchyard (WA Speirs p15-16).

Jane lived at ‘The Chestnuts’ for many years after Alexander’s death (WA Speirs


October 10 – Henry Bucknall sold 722 acres of “The Chestnuts” to Jane

McArthur (Dargle 913 in Deeds Office).

McArthur, Alexander, farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, The Dargle (DNA 1884)

McArthur, Kenneth, S. farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, The Dargle (DNA 1884)

1888 – McArthur, Kenneth, S. farmer, ‘The Chestnuts’, The Dargle (DNA 1888)

1889 – daughter Norah married George R. Richards of Summerhill, Mooi River. The

youngest daughter was Daisy (Margaret?), Mrs Warren. daughter Margt (Mrs Amy Young).

Nora’s husband was son of Robert Richards and grandson of G.C. Cato (NWW


Nora married (Miss Robinson’s scrapbook).

16 Feb – M. McArthur and Hutchinson dined (JE Methley’s Diary 1889 –

Natal Settlers mentioned).

20 April – B. Warren of Dargle signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book p160

27 April – B. Warren of Dargle signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book p162

9 May – B. Warren of Dargle signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book p162

24 May – JM and JEM called at Mrs McArthurs (JE Methley’s Diary 1889 –

Natal Settlers mentioned).

10 Oct – Mary Hutchinson, Nora McArthur and Lizzy Way called (JE Methley’s Diary 1889 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

5 Nov – B. Warren of Dargle signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book p182

1890 – 9 Apr – Nora [sic] of ‘The Chestnuts’, at Dargle Church,  married George Robt

Richards, farmer, of Blesbay?, Dargle (NW 12.4.90).

Nora [sic] was born 26 Dec 1866 and married Geo. Robert Richards and they lived at Summerhill, Mooi River. GR Richards joined the Natal Carbineers in 1900 and served in Bambatha Rebellion and in SWA.

In World War I went to Royal Staff College, Camberly and held PSC (passed Staff College). He went on to work in War Office London with rank of major.

In 1942 he became Honorary Colonel in Natal Carbineers. Was elected MCA? For Weenen County and acted as Secretary to the Natal Prime Minister at the 1907 Conference of ministers in London.

He represented Greyville as MP in the Union Parliament and was elected a Natal Senator in 1939.

In the 1930s and 1940s he played an active role in Natal splinter parties such as the Devolution League and the Dominion Party.

Before Union he was an Anti Union campaigner and pro federation. He was also a JP.

While he was at the War Office Nora died at Sunninghill (9 Dec 1918) – maybe

from the flu epidemic. Richards married Mary Elizabeth Duggan, widow, in June

1920 (Speirs, p62-3).

16 Oct – B. Warren of New Hanover signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book p226

1891 – Was Margaret Amy married in 1891? (Isabella Mackenzie’s diary, 1891).

25 May – B. Warren of New Hanover signed the Imperial Hotel Visitors Book


18 Aug – Mrs A. Speirs and Miss D. McArthur called (JE Methley’s Diary 1891 –

Natal Settlers mentioned).

4 Dec – Mr B. Speirs and Miss McArthur came (JE Methley’s Diary 1891 –

Natal Settlers mentioned).

1892 – 7 July – Mrs Jane McArthur living at “Chestnuts”in the Dargle when her house

was completely burnt down. Three daughters Daisy, Jessie and Hilda in house with her at the time. House consisted of 3 buildings built of slabs – one thatched, one with wooden tiles and one with corrugated iron.

Sketch maps of position of house and plan of house included. Jane McArthur

was Sister of Robt. Speirs of farm Moyeni, the Dargle.

Another daughter Mary Lindsay McArthur lives with Robt. Speirs at Moyeni and

her cousin Alex Speirs is of Avenal. Alec is also a cousin of Robt. Spiers. A

daughter Margaret also living at Chestnuts on night of fire (AGO 1/4/74 Us 378).

24 Aug – Margaret Amy of Ferndene, nr. Lidgetton, married, at Dargle Church,

Bernard Wm. Warren, farmer Of Ashenden. New Hanover (NW 19.9.92).

One daughter married Bernard Warren of new Hanover (Speir in KBP).  

Margaret Amy’s husband came from a seafaring family and had been a sailor. He

was in the Carbineers and was killed in Dec 1899 (Miss Moore’s letters 10.12.1899)

29 Sept – Mrs Rowe, Miss Agnes Rowe came – Mrs Speirs and Mabel McArthur called (JE Methley’s Diary 1892 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

Margaret Amy (Daisy) was born in Durban on 11 Feb 1865 and married Bernard Wm. Warren at St Andrews, Dargle in August 1892. Warren came from Preston Place, East Preston, Sussex. They settled at Ashenden, New Hanover where they grew wattle. Bernard was killed in action in Colenso while serving as a Lieutenant in Natal Carbineers, aged 33. Margaret Amy died 31 Jan 1908 and was buried at Weston (Speirs, p57-8).

Nov – Miss Mary McArthur residing at “Moyeni Dargle was left all the estate of

Alex. Pollock Watson whose will was dated 23 July 1892 and who died 20 Nov

1892 at Moyeni aged 54, a gentleman  (MSC 94/1894).

1895 – 14 – 15 March – Mrs Churchill and Miss J. McArthur called (JE Methley’s Diary

1895 – Natal Settlers mentioned).

1897 July – Annie Hilda, 23, of ‘The Chestnuts’, Dargle, at Dargle Church married

Archibald Hylton Lee, farmer Of Impendhle, Boston parish (NW 5.7.97) (R Ang


Hilda married A. Hylton Lee, of Kimberley, Impendhle, (Miss Robinson’s


6 Dec – Jane made her will at “The Chestnuts” (WA Speirs p15-16).

1899 – 15 Dec – Margaret Amy’s husband Bernard Wm Warren of Ashenden, New

Hanover, farmer, made will May 1893 and was killed in action 15 Dec 1899 (MSC 19/1900).

1901 – Charlie Shooter was port operator at Port Shepstone in 1901. Shooter’s Hill was

named after him (Neethling, Port Shepstone, p13).

1907 – 8 May – Daughter Alice Mabel married Wm. Edwd. Hopwood Shooter, 61,

widower, ferryman, PWD, Port Shepstone and she was a school-mistress of

Durban (R St C Durban).

Daughter Alice Mabel married Shooter, 61, born Liverpool, died Port Shepstone

aged 79, cartage controller, on 10 Feb 1925 (Port Shepstone Government


Alice Mabel married Wm Edward Hopwood Shooter in May 1907 in Durban. He died 10 Feb 1925 at Port Shepstone aged 79 and a half. He was born at Seaforth, Liverpool, son of Chas Thos Shooter of Pontefract and Hannah Shooter of Knaresborough, Yorks. When he died he was a retired farmer of South Shepstone – she signed the notice on 20 April 925 at Port Shepstone (MSC 10013).

Alice Mabel’s parents in law buried at Umkomaas – CT Shooter 10 April 1811 – 4 Oct 1879 and Hannah Shooter 1 Aug 1816-1895 (Tomb St Bude’s Umkomaas) and presumably a relation was the May Shooter (18 June 1870 – 10 Jan 1910) who married William James Ulyate (born 1840) (Tomb St Bude’s Umkomaas) .

1908 May – Wife Jane died aged 75 (M.Parker’s Scrapbook and Tomb St T).

May 16 – Widow Jane died aged 75 (Durban Government Register).

16 May – Jane Tweed died at 427 Essenwood Road – her daughter Margaret

Warren at the same address signed the death notice.

She left her estate in trust for the 2 unmarried daughters Mary Lindsay and Jessie Marion in equal shares until the death of the last daughter when it was to be divided among all her children and their heirs or executors. Her brother Robert was the executor until his death in 1924 – the estate lasted until Jessie died on 6 April 1850 [sic]. The main asset was ‘The Chestnuts’, the rest of which was divided between the two sisters. In the 1930s it was difficult to find a renter? And the executor applied to MSC for the farm to be sold.

This agreed to and was sold to Jane’s grandson Walter Mitchell – he took over circa 1935. Transfer date was 12 July 1939.

Walter and wife lived there until his death in 1962. Daughters Mabel Shooter and Annie Lee had no children (WA Speirs p17-18).

Of ‘The Chestnuts’ house, only the very center is original (Dorning, p56).

1911 – 12 Jan – Eva died, aged 57 (Howick Government Register)

12 Jan, Eva, born Durban, died aged 58 and 9 twelfths at Avenal, Dargle. She

Had married Alex. Speirs in Howick (MSC 40/227).

1913 Sep – Eldest surviving son Kenneth Stuart died at Lourenco Marques.

Kenneth Stuart presumed to have died of Blackwater Fever while transport

riding, at Waterval Boven in Mozambique (WA Speirs p43).

1914 – 27 April – Douglas Gordon died, in Langlaagte, Transvaal, unmarried. He was a

mine worker (Don McArthur, 7.10.2000).

1928 – 18 Feb. Daughter Mary Lindsay died in Pinetown, aged 64 and was buried at the

Dargle (Pinetown Government Register).

20 Feb – Mary Lindsay buried, aged 64 (R Ang H).

Jessie Marion moved to ‘The Chestnuts’ after her sister Mary’s death in 1928 and

lived in a small flat built on the homestead (Speirs, p64).

1931 – 24 April – Eva’s husband, Alexander Speirs, of Dargle, died (Howick Government


1932 – 24 August – Shooter, Alice Mabel, buried on this day, aged 83 (Karkloof Anglican

Parish Burials 1873-1950).

1937 – CT Tyzack (born 1847) wrote to Cyril Eyre in 1937 (letter undated) giving him the

Position [sic] of the property known as ‘The Pavilion’ – it was in Smith Street, on the South side – on the east was Griffin’s Wagonmaker’s business and on the west a narrow passage leading to the property behind it (a subdivision of the erf). The lower half – where Messrs McArthur, later mayor of Durban when Prince Alfred came. The western boundary was the Milner bros property (Eyre papers in Don Library).

1939 – 16 Mar – Katherine Agnes of Cotswold, buried, aged 80 (R Ang H)

1942 – Charles James died post 1942 in Australia (Don McArthur, 7.10.2000).

1947 – Jan – Margaret Amy died aged 87 (Tomb WAC).

1950 – 6 April – Jessie Marion died, buried at the Dargle (Howick Government Register)

10 May – Jessie buried, aged 70 (R Ang H).

No Date – permission given to change name on mortgage bond in favour of Alex McA and Henry Donaldson Muirhead trading as McArthur and Co which is incorrect and should be as the firm McArthur, Muirhead and Co. in Natal and in Glasgow as Muirhead, McArthur and Co. (RSC1/8/3 no 159).

No Date – Samuel Crauder, Junior, writes:

The Zambezi having been so recently discovered naturally caused some excitement, and a year before, a friend and I decided to send to England and get a small steamer to trade up the river. The ‘Congune’ duly arrived. She was very strongly built as we expected that she would often ground on the bars of the harbours. Unfortunately we were disappointed that she did not have the steam power and we never entered on our trading speculation up the coast.

When I gave up business in 1864 I sold out my interest to my friend and he started trading down the coast and to the Umkomaas river 30 miles south of Durban. Here the vessel was wrecked and thrown up on the rocks at the mouth of the river. He took out the engine and boiler and repaired her temporarily and got her back to harbour. When Ben and I went into business we bought her and put her into the [illegible] carrying [illegible] to Delagoa Bay. (Reminiscences by Samuel Crowder, junior, p32).

No date:

Mr A. McArthur

A steep and winding bush ride from Wentworth brings us to Woodville, the coffee plantation established by Mr McArthur. The mill-house is passed on the flat below. This is one of the largest and oldest estates on the coast, 116 acres under crop (coffee). Last year a crop of 20 tons was gathered.

(Robinson N. on N p90).

No Date: Was the Mayor when Prince Alfred visited Durban (RoD 485-7).
